Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Hood

Here we are another quiet night in the thriving village of Bruggelchen. As I look out from my 3rd floor "perch" I see our neighbor 3 doors down walking her little poodle. She is a sweet lady, I would say in her late 60's perhaps early 70's, it is hard to tell becuase Germans are such a hardy people. Every day she can be seen walking her dog up and down the street. She'll stop and visit anyone who happens to be outside. I suspect it is a good chance for her to take a needed break. It is painful to watch her walk, she is obviously in need of a hip replacement. It doesn't seem to slow her down one bit, every day up and down she walks, not too far just to the end of the street and back. Her gait is slow and deliberate and she is always smiling and so friendly. Earlier today we walked past her house she and her granddaughter were outside with muffie, I noticed the dog has a mind of his own, doing what he wants and not paying attention to anything. I made the gesture of the dog not paying attention..........she laughed and said in German, but I certainly understood.....HE'S BLIND! How funny is that! Puts a whole new spin on things. I swear I thought of the poem there was a crooked man.............

Terry is on holiday all next week, we plan on visiting Wassenberg a city with a castle that is over 900 years old. Also, next weekend is the Air Force Ball which will be held in a castle in the Netherlands. Pictures and story to follow.....

love and miss you all



Unknown said...

I love your running accounts of your adventures in Germany/Netherlands and all points. Keep 'em coming - and pics, too!

Lovin you - Mom

Unknown said...

Good thing your German wasn't good enough to say something you'd regret like: What's with the dog, Is it blind?

Love you,