Sunday, September 2, 2007

Goodbye August

So many interesting things are happening it is hard to decide what to write all know me, I can find amusement in any situation and Terry and I find ourselves in some interesting scenarios. Do remind me to tell you about our neighbors with the very secluded, very beautiful backyard that just happens to have a lap pool as well as grounds that would make the cover of a magazine. Somehow they didn't look like the kind of people who would appreciate it if we snapped a few pictures! They do speak perfect English they recommended that we go to market in a city about 10 miles down the road.

Terry had the next Thursday off so..... off we go to our first "Market" destination Sittard in the Netherlands. Most towns of any size have a market every Thursday that usually last until early afternoon. It was close to noon when we arrived and the market was in full swing. Vendors were set up under tents all around the city center. People were everywhere the more popular places, and I suspect the best quality vendors, were packed with people 4 and 5 deep shouting what they wanted. Everything looked fresh and we saw two fish vendors which was really what we had intended to buy in the first place. We circled the whole area and found there were more textiles than anything else. Bolts and bolts of materials in every color and material imaginable. It didn't seem expensive to me, but what do I know! We saw stands with vegetables, fruits, flowers, eggs and vendors with huge wheels of cheese. We eyed the fish again, Terry thought the tuna steaks looked good but I couldn't get close enough to get a good look and much of the fish was unrecognizable to me and because it was close to closing, the fish seemed too be floating in melted ice. We settled for a huge bouquet of gladiolas and one dozen eggs. It was amazing to see how fast they close up shop. One moment your elbow deep in people then they all seem to disappear, the vendors pack up and everybody leaves. We walked around the town and below are a few pictures from our grand day out.

Life is good


Kerry said...

It sounds like another great adventure for you and Terry.Fresh flowers and eggs beats questionable fish anyday- Keep sending the pics!!

Unknown said...

Probably a good idea to avoid the fish once the ice is melted and the market is closing. What a cool way to experience culture: A grand day out at the market indeed!

Love you,