Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Always bring your camera

Case in point last Friday evening.........there we were, having dinner with the Village Connection, an organization that Terry and I joined when we arrived. A fun group that meets for dinner at a different restaurant the third Friday of each month. They are made up of military members that help people connect and share information about surrounding villages and living in Europe. I can't believe anyone wouldn't join it is a fabulous resource, plus it is such fun to try new places to eat as well as share laughter and stories.

So....... there we were Friday having a great time at El Greco's with a party of about 25, when the evenings live entertainment started up. I didn't realize a two man band could put out so much music. When the music started flowing my feet started tapping. Then came Greek dancers two men arm in arm dancing back and of the girls at our table got up to have a a better look, I walked up behind her and said, "I'll join if you will" we went to the welcoming arms of our new best friends. What fun twirling around the floor. I gotta tell you, I can dance a Greek jig! Soon we were joined by 6 other girls from our group. Round and round we went the music picking up tempo then slowing down and we never lost step.

There was a table in the corner that starting throwing bread at us, not sure if that was part of the entertainment or what it meant but I swooped down picked up a piece of bread and at our next go round threw it back at them. After we sat down Terry said all he could see was my bright green shirt going around and around. I know shame on me for not having the camera! I will, however enclose a picture for gee whiz...........Here is a picture of Starbucks in Aachen, I haven't had a "real latte" since July 10, 2007 !

love and miss you all


auntliz'sfavniece09 said...

Hey Aunt Liz!!!!
Mom showed me your blog, so i had to make one so i could comment!! I miss you soo much! it seems like you're having alot of fun in Germany. I LOVE YOU and uncle terry and Rufus!!!!!! i hope i can see you sooon! love ya
ps check out my display name hehe

Unknown said...

What a cool story. I wonder what the tossing of the breadmeant. At least nobody tossed cookies!!! Sorry, couldn't resist!

Love you,