Monday, September 17, 2007

The Air Force Ball

The venue was unbelievable, Hoensbroek Kasteel is absolutely beautiful. When we crossed the wooden walkway over the moat it was like stepping back in time. The weather cooperated with bright sunshine and the temperature about 70 degrees at the start of social hour which began at 6:00 pm. The wait staff seemed to be everywhere with with trays of excellent champagne and delicious hourdourvs. The air was filled with excitement. Several times I just stopped and listened to the laughter and chatter that filled the air.

It's such fun to see everyone dressed so elegantly. Military personnel in their formal attire and spouses dressed as if the the paparazzi was in attendance. Some of the more interesting outfits included one young lady with 4" heels that light up when she walked across the room. Another whose dress would rival Scarlett O'Hara, you couldn't get within two feet of her and I know she couldn't have fit in the ladies toilette! I am truly sorry I didn't have my camera around my bejeweled neck because I would love to share that photograph with everyone. The festivities ran behind schedule all night, our program indicated the guest speaker would begin at 8:45 , the General didn't take center stage until close to 10:00 his opening line promised a brief speech. Considering the theme was the history of the 60 years of the Air Force, I was surprised he was true to his word. His speech was both interesting and brief. Afterwards a Navy dignitary got up on stage to brag that the Navy was over 200 years old and considering the Air Force was like a younger sibling, the Navy would pick up the tab at the bar until further notice. And that Ladies and Gentleman concluded the program. The ballroom is now open for dancing..............

Terry and I unfortunately had a very busy day, up before the chickens because our landlord and several workers (including Terry) worked all day putting pavers in our driveway. By the time that job was all said and done, we barely had time to shower and get ready for the big event. We did not join the throng of people headed for the open bar, instead we walked back across the now fog filled moat and headed home.

The castle is open for touring and we definitely plan on going back to explore this wonderful Dutch landmark.

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

You really do such a good job with your blog! I almost felt like I was with you!

Anonymous said...

I told your Mom that I thought for a minute you were posing with General Petreus! Looking shapr Terry. Liz you look terrific jsut like Cinerella at the Ball.
It sounds like you two are having a great experience. Good work. Continue on with the bicycle trips! Betty

Unknown said...

That picture of Hoensbroek Kasteel is perfect....looks like a painting. What a great place to have a ball. Both of you looked fantastic!
