Thursday, September 13, 2007

33-35-14-13-23-24-28-21 to Castle!

The title of this blog represents the bike routes we took to Wassenberg where we visited our first castle. There is a hotel/resort at the site of this 900 year old burg located on the Castle Hill in the town centre. We got a key to the original watch tower and made the climb up a narrow staircase about ten flights to the top for a grand view of the surrounding countryside.

A view of St. Georg Church from atop the tower

Much of the original wall that once surrounded the city still stands, here you can see me riding my trusty steed through the horse gate which dates from 1365.

We treated ourselves to lunch at the Graf Gerhard Restaurant located inside the hotel. We were the only guests in the dining room so we were seated at a table with a wonderful view of the hotels vineyard. We are still struggling a little with our German so it is any ones guess what we order. Terry ordered carpaccio which it turns out is thinly sliced beef (did I mention it was raw) topped with cheese, tomato and a dill pickle compote. I fared better with a delicious blend of scallops cooked in a white wine sauce topped with fruit and vegetables. Now I ask you ........who got the better meal?

The trip to and from Wassenburg took us along the river Rur we saw many churches and historical markers. We take pictures of the markers then come home and translate them on the Internet - this is how we are learning about German history in the surrounding region.

Break time on the river Rur............

Our next adventure a trip to a Dutch Castle where the Air Force's 60th Anniversary Ball takes place Saturday 15 September........ love and miss you all


Unknown said...

10 flights up-holy cow-with that spectacular view it was well worth it! So much fun to re-visit earlier blogs/adventures, I can live vicariously through you all over again! Does that make me reincarnated?

Unknown said...

Would be fun to win a lottery with bike trail numbers! Love the stories Liz. Keep on bloggin
