Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Always bring your camera

Case in point last Friday evening.........there we were, having dinner with the Village Connection, an organization that Terry and I joined when we arrived. A fun group that meets for dinner at a different restaurant the third Friday of each month. They are made up of military members that help people connect and share information about surrounding villages and living in Europe. I can't believe anyone wouldn't join it is a fabulous resource, plus it is such fun to try new places to eat as well as share laughter and stories.

So....... there we were Friday having a great time at El Greco's with a party of about 25, when the evenings live entertainment started up. I didn't realize a two man band could put out so much music. When the music started flowing my feet started tapping. Then came Greek dancers two men arm in arm dancing back and of the girls at our table got up to have a a better look, I walked up behind her and said, "I'll join if you will" we went to the welcoming arms of our new best friends. What fun twirling around the floor. I gotta tell you, I can dance a Greek jig! Soon we were joined by 6 other girls from our group. Round and round we went the music picking up tempo then slowing down and we never lost step.

There was a table in the corner that starting throwing bread at us, not sure if that was part of the entertainment or what it meant but I swooped down picked up a piece of bread and at our next go round threw it back at them. After we sat down Terry said all he could see was my bright green shirt going around and around. I know shame on me for not having the camera! I will, however enclose a picture for gee whiz...........Here is a picture of Starbucks in Aachen, I haven't had a "real latte" since July 10, 2007 !

love and miss you all

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Air Force Ball

The venue was unbelievable, Hoensbroek Kasteel is absolutely beautiful. When we crossed the wooden walkway over the moat it was like stepping back in time. The weather cooperated with bright sunshine and the temperature about 70 degrees at the start of social hour which began at 6:00 pm. The wait staff seemed to be everywhere with with trays of excellent champagne and delicious hourdourvs. The air was filled with excitement. Several times I just stopped and listened to the laughter and chatter that filled the air.

It's such fun to see everyone dressed so elegantly. Military personnel in their formal attire and spouses dressed as if the the paparazzi was in attendance. Some of the more interesting outfits included one young lady with 4" heels that light up when she walked across the room. Another whose dress would rival Scarlett O'Hara, you couldn't get within two feet of her and I know she couldn't have fit in the ladies toilette! I am truly sorry I didn't have my camera around my bejeweled neck because I would love to share that photograph with everyone. The festivities ran behind schedule all night, our program indicated the guest speaker would begin at 8:45 , the General didn't take center stage until close to 10:00 his opening line promised a brief speech. Considering the theme was the history of the 60 years of the Air Force, I was surprised he was true to his word. His speech was both interesting and brief. Afterwards a Navy dignitary got up on stage to brag that the Navy was over 200 years old and considering the Air Force was like a younger sibling, the Navy would pick up the tab at the bar until further notice. And that Ladies and Gentleman concluded the program. The ballroom is now open for dancing..............

Terry and I unfortunately had a very busy day, up before the chickens because our landlord and several workers (including Terry) worked all day putting pavers in our driveway. By the time that job was all said and done, we barely had time to shower and get ready for the big event. We did not join the throng of people headed for the open bar, instead we walked back across the now fog filled moat and headed home.

The castle is open for touring and we definitely plan on going back to explore this wonderful Dutch landmark.

love and miss you all

Thursday, September 13, 2007

33-35-14-13-23-24-28-21 to Castle!

The title of this blog represents the bike routes we took to Wassenberg where we visited our first castle. There is a hotel/resort at the site of this 900 year old burg located on the Castle Hill in the town centre. We got a key to the original watch tower and made the climb up a narrow staircase about ten flights to the top for a grand view of the surrounding countryside.

A view of St. Georg Church from atop the tower

Much of the original wall that once surrounded the city still stands, here you can see me riding my trusty steed through the horse gate which dates from 1365.

We treated ourselves to lunch at the Graf Gerhard Restaurant located inside the hotel. We were the only guests in the dining room so we were seated at a table with a wonderful view of the hotels vineyard. We are still struggling a little with our German so it is any ones guess what we order. Terry ordered carpaccio which it turns out is thinly sliced beef (did I mention it was raw) topped with cheese, tomato and a dill pickle compote. I fared better with a delicious blend of scallops cooked in a white wine sauce topped with fruit and vegetables. Now I ask you ........who got the better meal?

The trip to and from Wassenburg took us along the river Rur we saw many churches and historical markers. We take pictures of the markers then come home and translate them on the Internet - this is how we are learning about German history in the surrounding region.

Break time on the river Rur............

Our next adventure a trip to a Dutch Castle where the Air Force's 60th Anniversary Ball takes place Saturday 15 September........ love and miss you all

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Hood

Here we are another quiet night in the thriving village of Bruggelchen. As I look out from my 3rd floor "perch" I see our neighbor 3 doors down walking her little poodle. She is a sweet lady, I would say in her late 60's perhaps early 70's, it is hard to tell becuase Germans are such a hardy people. Every day she can be seen walking her dog up and down the street. She'll stop and visit anyone who happens to be outside. I suspect it is a good chance for her to take a needed break. It is painful to watch her walk, she is obviously in need of a hip replacement. It doesn't seem to slow her down one bit, every day up and down she walks, not too far just to the end of the street and back. Her gait is slow and deliberate and she is always smiling and so friendly. Earlier today we walked past her house she and her granddaughter were outside with muffie, I noticed the dog has a mind of his own, doing what he wants and not paying attention to anything. I made the gesture of the dog not paying attention..........she laughed and said in German, but I certainly understood.....HE'S BLIND! How funny is that! Puts a whole new spin on things. I swear I thought of the poem there was a crooked man.............

Terry is on holiday all next week, we plan on visiting Wassenberg a city with a castle that is over 900 years old. Also, next weekend is the Air Force Ball which will be held in a castle in the Netherlands. Pictures and story to follow.....

love and miss you all


Sunday, September 2, 2007

Goodbye August

So many interesting things are happening it is hard to decide what to write all know me, I can find amusement in any situation and Terry and I find ourselves in some interesting scenarios. Do remind me to tell you about our neighbors with the very secluded, very beautiful backyard that just happens to have a lap pool as well as grounds that would make the cover of a magazine. Somehow they didn't look like the kind of people who would appreciate it if we snapped a few pictures! They do speak perfect English they recommended that we go to market in a city about 10 miles down the road.

Terry had the next Thursday off so..... off we go to our first "Market" destination Sittard in the Netherlands. Most towns of any size have a market every Thursday that usually last until early afternoon. It was close to noon when we arrived and the market was in full swing. Vendors were set up under tents all around the city center. People were everywhere the more popular places, and I suspect the best quality vendors, were packed with people 4 and 5 deep shouting what they wanted. Everything looked fresh and we saw two fish vendors which was really what we had intended to buy in the first place. We circled the whole area and found there were more textiles than anything else. Bolts and bolts of materials in every color and material imaginable. It didn't seem expensive to me, but what do I know! We saw stands with vegetables, fruits, flowers, eggs and vendors with huge wheels of cheese. We eyed the fish again, Terry thought the tuna steaks looked good but I couldn't get close enough to get a good look and much of the fish was unrecognizable to me and because it was close to closing, the fish seemed too be floating in melted ice. We settled for a huge bouquet of gladiolas and one dozen eggs. It was amazing to see how fast they close up shop. One moment your elbow deep in people then they all seem to disappear, the vendors pack up and everybody leaves. We walked around the town and below are a few pictures from our grand day out.

Life is good