Monday, October 8, 2007

329 Cannondale Miles

As of yesterday I have ridden 329 miles on my bicycle. I say "I have ridden" because lately it has been me following Terry as he trains for the December 1st marathon, or me riding my bike to the local market for fresh produce and groceries. Sundays are his long runs and yesterday was an 18 mile run that had blog material swirling in my head.

Here in Germany a big deal is made of your birthday. On your birthday your friends will decorate your house with all kinds of crazy things

Also, it is expected that the person having the birthday treat all of his or her friends to cake as well as any other celebratory festivities. When a baby is born, again your friends will stop by and decorate your home, the decorations stay up for at least a week. I tried to get a good picture can you see the baby clothes strung up across the house in the lower picture? I am going take pictures of every age and see how many I can collect!

We pass by a nursing home on our run/ride. It is called St. Josef's and if the weather cooperates, the residents are outside visiting with their families enjoying the sunshine and scenery in the BEER GARDEN. Yes indeed ladies and gentlemen, this particular adult care facility is complete with outdoor seating and a Bitburger beer garden. Yesterday there were a few residents out and about but the weather was a little on the cool side and it was still early. I stopped take a picture and this is the best I could do.

Below is picture of one of my favorite views while bike riding. It is my job to carry the water, cell phone, snacks, energy drinks, camera and anything else we think we need for these Sunday excursions. I do think about how important my "job" is and I am happy that I am riding and not running!


I did not realize that this blog had a setting for limiting comments, I changed it so anyone can leave a comment......... and of course, all comments are welcome!

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

PS Have Terry take a picture of you carring all your stuff for the day. I thinking you must have a basket on your bike. cb

Unknown said...

I'm going to retire in Germany!!! What a steadfast, handsome view you have, happy trails!

Unknown said...

I call the room next to Chris at the 'beertirement home'!!! Great stories Lizzy, as always.

Becca said...

329 miles with a view like that? I think I would peddle 400 miles :) The scenery isn't bad either. Just keep peddling, just keep peddling... As usual I will live vicariously through you. Still waiting for the buns of steel though. Hmm.