Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tick Tick Tick.........


Where does the time go? I had the best intentions of posting a blog a week, unfortunately things don't always go as planned. Last week I got a nasty (German) flu/cold. Just prior to getting sick I agreed to head up a project here called "Operation Shoebox." I picked up the information and tucked it away, I was adamant I would wait until after Halloween- To me it just doesn't seem right to put anything "Christmas" out until the end of October..........I would make flyers, set up collection boxes, use some catchy phrases. In my head I had it all planned out.

I decided to get started by reading up on the project. I just about fell out of my chair.........the deadline for shoebox pick up is November 15th! HOLY COW! Someone tell me how am I supposed to pull this off!

I fussed and fumed, how unfair of them to dump this project on me. I should have known earlier, I just moved here, I don't have the resources to reach out to the community, not enough time, I don't have my own car, and several other unmentionable thoughts went thru my head. I still didn't feel well and this was icing on the cake.

I calmed down and said to myself.....Liz just do the best you can, whatever you do is something the bottom line....... it is not about me it is about the children. I was just making excuses. And really it is a wonderful project, basically fill a shoebox with much needed items such as school supplies, toiletries, a toy, a book, hair barrettes, stickers, or perhaps a book. Once the shoebox is full wrap it with Christmas paper and have them ready for pick up and delivery to various churches who then mail them out worldwide.
Armed with these thoughts I decided that the bank at the Army base was a high traffic area and a good place to start. Last Saturday Terry and I wrapped a cardboard box with Christmas paper and asked if it was okay to set up a collection location. Not only did they say YES! but what can we do to help. It just so happens a customer in the bank overheard us, she works at the NATEX warehouse and would be happy to donate shoe box sized boxes with lids. From this point on the project has taken off with a life of its own. Several drop off locations throughout the area are set up and hopefully they are collecting items to fill the 50 empty boxes that are waiting in my living room.

Can you help?

If you would like to help what I need are monetary donations to cover postage and wrapping paper. It costs approximately 5 Euro or 7 dollars for every box that I put together. Or perhaps you would like me to put a box together especially from you! Just let me know. If you can help with a donation there are are two ways this can be accomplished.
  1. You can email me with and amount and I can cover it until I receive the check.
  2. You can make a deposit into a Bank of America I have set up.
  • My email address: terryandliz@gmail.com
  • My mailing address is PSC7 box 491 APO AE 09104
  • My Bank of America Account number is 7591530468
If you would like more information visit their website at http://www.samaritanspurse.org/ and follow the links to Project Christmas Child
love and miss you all


Unknown said...

I laughed so hard at the Watch out for Kids sign...sooo funny!
What a project!!

Unknown said...

of course you would dive into a project, and how many of us have had second (or third thoughts)after we said yes!
count the Larsen clan in for postage for 5 boxes, I go by the Bank of America in Lakewood quite often, I'll drop off our donation-keep the stories coming-love ya

Becca said...

yup Missy, count me in. I will will mail the check this week. No, not checks in the mail, it really is. More than doing the right thing for the right reason.
Love the sign by the way. Think folks get the point??

Unknown said...

What a great way to help kids. Nice job talking yourself down from panic mode.

Love you,