Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday Traffic Jam

Terry and I took a 30 mile round trip bike ride thru the German/Dutch countryside. At one point along the way we encountered a traffic jam..........after a bit of hesitation, we decided it was okay to carefully tread our way thru our bovine friends. An older couple next to us opted to go around but we were following a specific trail and weren't sure what would happen if we deviated! We ended up seeing them about 1/2 mile down the road, we both laughed and waved.

We continued on towards our destination and lo and behold two traffic jams in one Sunday, who knew!

Of course as you can imagine, we had to clean our bicycle tires when we got home! All in all a wonderful day riding thru the countryside.



Unknown said...

keep it breif!! down in the valley with Betty and Marshall have shared your blog site with Betty How great are the pictures! love you CB

Joe Kirk said...

After working with us here in Charleston, you should be used to wading thru crap...

I enjoy your postings....hope all is well with you and yours....we miss you here, I still hear people bringing up your name a LOT...

Unknown said...

What a culture shock. I imagine road rage in a "traffic jam" like that might raise the ire of PETA!!

Love you Liz,