Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bitburg Trip

We got up Sunday and decided a little road trip was in order. A full tank of gas a few snacks and off we went headed south about two hours for a visit to Air Force Bases . We were told that Bitburg and Spangdalam has good shopping. Bigger commissary's and a bigger BX with lots of choices...............well I could live the rest of my life without going back. The Bitburg base has the distinction of existing just to support the Spangdalam base. It has housing, movie theatre, bowling, school, daycare and a "concession mall". We walked thru all the shopping and although we did pick up an iron we decided there was nothing there that we couldn't find at GK or Schinnen the Army post that we shop at, or any German store closer to home. Really so much more adventurous to shop "on the economy" we try and get in and out of a store without alerting anyone that we are American. It can be done!

Was nice to get out and see some of the rolling countryside. We drove in and out of rainstorms and sunshine all the way home, chasing and being chased by lovely rainbows. Our next trip will be the North Sea....................love and miss you all

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Funny that the best thing about a shopping trip was the sights seen to and fro!!

Love you Lizzy,