Saturday, June 27, 2009

Goo Goo Eyes

Last year at this time, I was working for Edo and Elsa as a bartender at Casa Motte Bolleberg. It all started during a walk about, Terry and I discovered a restaurant about a half a kilometer from our house. Before you know it, we were going there on Sunday afternoons, rain or rain as it was that winter.....we dubbed it our "date night" aka "goo goo eye night" If for some reason we didn't go, the next time we went we were quizzed, through the one waitress who spoke English......"what happened to you". Over winter our friendship grew, I was asked and accepted to teach English to Fatima, the daughter of Edo and Elsa.......naturally, we becamc fast friends! One of the funnier Fatima stories : Terry often calls me chica, one day Fatima said to me "come on chicken, lets go......." we really learned a lot from each other!

And so........time marches on, like it tends to and before you know it, summer rolls around.....the Europeans have a serious view of vacation-and since many of the people who worked at the restaurant are family.......they tend to take vacation together......and ZO Casa Motte Bolleberg was short handed, hence Liz to the rescue.

Oh what fun! TALK about culture, I was totally immersed, nights flew by, mostly I tended bar, I could read the drink tickets as they printed and I made a handy little cheat sheet to mix/pour the most popular German drinks.........I even managed to make a few new American friends thru the whole experience.......IF There was an American who came in, the staff would come to me all excited......shnell Liz..........cume se here bitte.... I made a little cheat sheet to learn the most popular German/Dutch drinks other than just your basic beer or wine.

Radler/Alster: Pils beer und sprite
Apfel Shule/Snei Wiess: Apple Juice und Water (w/CO2 or mit gaz)
Diesel: Cola und Fanta
Pils Shus: Malt und Pils
Alt Shus: Diebles und Malt
I forget what cola and pils is called, I hope Julie will comment, and Julie, honey, I know the spelling isn't right, sorry about that!

As most of my blog followers know, Fatima became a good friend, we spent a lot of time together. She and my sister Chris's daughter Emily are close in age they became pen pals! It was a sad day when she and her family were asked/forced to give up their tenure running the restaurant I could have included them in the Poof Blog, eh? They moved to Dortmond, about two hours away. I do get updates from my little friend, I hope on visting her in the near future.

love and miss you all


Becca said...

Miss Liz, I am not so sure I care for all the "Poofing" happening with you two. Hmmmph. Good blog all the same.
More than friends that stay!

Unknown said...

Yes, Fatima and Em became great pen-pals, tell Fatima its her turn! Just one more thing to add to your ecclectic resume, yes? I hope you can swing a visit, perhaps this Fall, after Mr. Terry completes his sojourn. Lovin the trip to the bar, interesting drink combinations......

Unknown said...

See what happens whenyou have date night!!!! A pils and sprite sounds kinda good!!
Love yu S.S

Nelly said...

Hi Lizzie. Very nice "BLOG". Try to stay in contact with your departed friends. Is the restaurant in good hands??? We wish Terry a speedy return back to you.

Unknown said...

Smart idea to have a 'cheat sheet', a little reminder of school days perhaps??!!!?? It would seem to me that spending time at a local watering hole would be the perfect way to learn about the true nature of any culture. Keep the sheet and we'll have a "Culture Party" upon your return!!


Julie said...

Hey Lizzie-Liz,
ofcourse I will comment on your blog! Officialy Diesel = coke & beer and Spezi = coke & fanta... But I know they used a different one at El Gitano. I'm very sorry but I can't remember what it's called. Getting old is hell =)
Love ya xxx