Thursday, June 4, 2009


My Mother likes to remind me that our expectations get us into trouble, have I mentioned my Mother is a very wise woman?

I decided to go to Alabama and watch Terry graduate from the Senior NCO Academy. I had no luck with the whole "space-availiable" scenerio this time around. I had grand plans of flying out earlier and going to Charleston, SC to spend time with friends, including Patty who was flying in from Minnesota to also attend the graduation. We were going to frolic in Folly Beach, SC the place where land ends and fun begins! THAT plan didn't work , it was easier to take the guess work out and fly commercial. I found great airfare non-stop from Duesseldorf to Atlanta. Patty said no problem she flew into Atlanta and met me there, we rented a car and drove the 2 1/2 hours to Montgomery (remind me Patty why do I not have a single picture of us together?)

It was wonderful to see Terry, I realized I hadn't seen him in over 2 months, and like my good friend Becca, says ......"how can I miss you if you don't go away? " Terry's Mom and Dad also drove in from Georgia , it was a regular reunion in the South. We were all so proud of Terry, the ceremony was very impressive, the comradery between Terry and his classmates is something he will always carry with him, the class dubbed themselves the JAB Nation, named so for their charismatic instructor. Congratulations to all the members of Flight 3 Class 09 C!
Terry and I thought a nice "romantic get-a-way" was in order, I suggested Helen, Georgia. It is an Alpine Village tucked in the Blue Ridge Mountains famous for it's Bavarian atmosphere, I remember going to an Octoberfest there many years ago. After spending the night at his folks house, we dropped Patty at the airport and headed North to our destination on the banks of the Chatahoochee River. I had packed candles and even tucked in an open bottle of red wine so I didn't have to worry about a cork screw. Our hotel promised a private balcony on the river and the reservationist even mentioned a fireplace, sounded just perfect.......NOT EVEN CLOSE! We should have read the reviews, and why we didn't is still a mystery, what a horrible place. Our black lab Rufus would not have put his front paw in this place (he was quite paticular about where he'd stay) We arrived after 6 pm so we had already been charged for the room. The place smelled, it was dirty, the A/C was loud to the point of annoying, the curtains were falling off the rods and were being held open by the chairs! And of course it was pouring down rain! AND the bottle of red wine had spilled all over our luggage. At this point what can you do but laugh, so much for my expectations!

Oh yeah, the room included "breakfast" and I couldn't believe my eyes when I
saw celephane wrapped honey buns layed out! Thank goodness there was also ceral and yogurt, but that was about it! I know Lee and Nelly used to vacation in Helen , please tell me where did you stay???!

We did salvage the trip with a hike to Anna Ruby falls in the Unicoi State Park , otherwise.............

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

I'm not sure how wise, Lizzy, but expectation certainly do bump up against reality! Another adventure! At least you got to enjoy the beauty of the waterfall not to mention enjoying being with Terry again. He looks so impressive at the graduation! Keep the blogs coming!

Much love - Mom

Unknown said...

The pictures tell the story.....2 of Terry, resplendent in his uniform proudly graduating from the Senior NCO Academy, the georgeous falls, and the honey buns-So Funny! Heres to making the best of it-always!

char said...

aww lol glad you at least had a sense of humor about it..sometimes substandard experiences like that make for the best laughs and memories! Love and miss you too!

Unknown said...

So now you have a new low point for staying out. You can say "well, at least it isn't as bad as the place in Helen!!" Perhaps even; "this continental breakfast is almost as cheap as Helen's was!"
At least you were together.

Love you both!