Friday, March 13, 2009

Space Available

I traveled to the States on a C17! What an adventure to fly accross the Atlantic Ocean in the belly of this airplane, all 10 hours and 55 minutes of it!

Terry is in Alabama attending the Senior NCO Academy from March 17th thru April 30th, what a great opportunity for me to visit friends and family in the Pacific Northwest, also known as "HOME" The timing out of Ramstein AFB was perfect, I was able to catch the first flight scheduled to McChord. There was so much room in the cargo area that a young Mother was able to set up a playpen for her little guy. he slept most of the way, happy as a clam at high tide.
All in all an exciting and easy trip for me, considering I am not the best traveler.............And of course nothing was more welcoming than the sight of Mount Rainier............... ahhh home again!

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

impressive blog on the road sooo great to see you and make some new memories lovin you always S.s

Becca said...

Looks like a Loud ride to me!?? Glad it was an easy one! About ding dang time you came back home Missy! I am counting down the hours now til we can catch up 'real time'! Wish T.O. was with you but then again where you go; he goes.
More than reunions

Unknown said...

We're happy to see you, no matter how you travel.

Anonymous said...

Have fun at "home," then come back. We miss you here too.

Unknown said...

Refreshment for the soul, loved the photos! Missing you all but somehow I almost feel as if I was there......paper or plastic? May your remaining days in the majestic NW be wonderful and your trip "home" be as uneventful.
Love to All-

Unknown said...

I am so glad you boarded the C17 not knowing what to expect out of the trip, your very brave!
There's nothing better for the heart and soul then seeing your family.

Anonymous said...

Lizzie, what an unforgetable experience. This story well go on for years to come. We hope that you will have a really good visit at home.

Julie said...

Lizzie- Liz, you didn't mention the best part of your flight!!! How about changing diapers? Hahahaha... I'll leave the rest for you to explain! Love ya

Anonymous said...

so if I add a comment to does that make it overkill. For those of you that don't know a Green tail (C-17)is the most awesome ride going. Best way to go if you can get it. The other cool thing is green tails know how to find Mt Rainier.