Monday, March 23, 2009

Fun Follows

How much fun can one girl have at the ocean, how about eight girls? Mom, sisters, Mar, Cec, Joan, Susie Q, Joan's daughter Dani, her daughter Francis Dee and I all traveled to Pacific Beach, Washington to find the answer. As it turns out eight girls can have a lot of fun. For starters we couldn't believe that it snowed! It hardly ever snows at the coast! Of course we were prepared for the cold weather, springtime is ever changing - we expected the wind to add zest to our long walks on the beach and we weren't disappointed. The food, of course was delicious as well. A full course turkey dinner was just the perfect meal for the occasion.

We absoulutely LOVED playing electronic Uno (thanks, Matt), OMG it is a riot to play. Mom even mastered the quick wrist flick on a draw 2 card, WHAT FUN. The houses are the same we have rented in the past except this time we were disappointed no cozy warm fireplace anymore AND no washer/ dryer.... they now have hardwood floors and five bedrooms which was plenty big for our crowd. We did manage our walks on the beach, even Millie (Mom's car) had an adventurous spin on the sand - at low tide, of course! The only sister missing was Chris but Susie managed to create a paper Chrissy that we dutifully took care of all weekend. Cec remarked what a busy but well rested/deserved vacation for all of us. I agree. It was so much fun I suggest we all get togther next year for another ocean get-a-way, this time ..."Come one, come all"!

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

I heard thru the grapevine that Mar commented I didn't help out too much and Sue deemed me quieter than usual, too bad no fireplace....I could have made myself useful as kindling! Heres to the coast and the girls, and another special memory. I missed you all too.

Unknown said...

I was fortunate to be able to visit with a few of the sisters during Liz's visit. I must say Chris, you did seem paler and thinner than I remember.....
SO much fun to have Liz back in town for a bit, time sure flys when you're having fun!

Unknown said...

* little babies in marmalade heaven,oh how much fun did we have!!! Safe travels home Dear Liz I cant wait for next year!!!!

Unknown said...

Another classic! I mean the trip, and the blog. Never a dull moment when our family gets together, this trip was no exception. Next time a significant amount of the family gets together I say we make paper replicas of all who are missing!!!

Becca said...

AH, the Adams girls at the beach! What more can one say?

Julie said...

Love seeing the pics of your family Liz... I hope one day I can meet them all. Can you imagine the fun we would have? I can!!! I had to look twice at the pic of your sis & husband! It's like looking at a second Liz, a bit scary! Kiss kiss

Judy, I know you enjoyed the company of Lizzie-Liz... I bet it was fun having the family together (almost everybody). I talked to Liz about and I really hope to meet them all, I would fit in perfectly!!!! You can drive me arround =) Ask Liz what I mean with that! Thinking of you & take care xxx

Anonymous said...

why do you get to have all the fun seems very time I come to the states I have to be at school or work. I need a new job. Glad you got to spend time with family and friends and make new ones.