Monday, March 30, 2009

The long good-bye

I detect a note of smugnees in my previous blog entry while describing the Grand Adventure of flying space-available for a vacation. I said something like, "Oh this is so easy, I 'll be back soon"! Well I can tell has not been so easy trying to get home!

The FIRST time I went to McChord to catch a hop, the young man informed me that no planes flew directly to Germany and I would have to go an East Coast AFB to catch a plane. I called Terry to ask his advice, his comment was " how many stripes did the Airman have? (The answer, sadly, was two) Back to McChord , and yes I could be manifested to Germany even IF and WHEN they stopped on the East coast. My best chance was to come back at such and such a time. I have lost track of how many times - but it was a week long event - I showed up with baggage all ready to go. There was one flight I was SO SURE I would be on .................A non stop 15 hour flight on a C5, perfect, leave at 1700 go to sleep and wake up in Germany on a weekend too, just perfect. But oh NO, So sorry they told me, last minute change, no passengers allowed. I have lost count of the "last meal", last latte"...........and the last good-bye.

Every time I tried to find a way home, for instance plan B part 1 had me riding a train to Oregon to be picked up by Becca and taken to Portland International then fly to Baltimore Washington arriving around midnight only to then check the next hop to Germany.......As it turns out that train was booked full!! Doors just kept slamming on me. Time for plan C part 1.........that is to buy a commercial seat S eattle to Frankfurt, with a 5 hour layover at JFK in New York.
The optomist in me prevails so I am grateful for the additional time spent with family and friends. Joan and Jer had a farewell party for Dani, Roy and their precious baby Francis, who are moving to Vermont. I was able to see Robert, Bobbie-Sue, her boyfriend Kurt, Alex, Willie, and Gary, who I otherwise would have missed. Then of course there was Mar and Matt and Sadie, ONE MORE TIME......I was also able to have a farewell lunch with Kerry and Marta. Again, with the good-bye ONE MORE TIME. Even with all the hassle I would do it all over again! Go ahead and call me crazy..........

I am planning to fly space-available back to the states at the end of April so I can go to Terry's graduation from the Senior NCO Academy------Go Figure!

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

What a week that was, Lizzy - seemed like all we did was go back and forth - at least once a day, sometimes more - to McChord! You packed and unpacked so many times it's a wonder you got everything together when Travel Day arrived for real! The final good-bye was short and swift - and poof! - you were gone. What a fun time it was - 5/6ths of the girls, (and Paper Chrissy made 6!) - too bad, guys - next year! - the ocean and other adventures - well worth the hassle at the end. Lovin' you - can't wait til your next excursion our way - Mom

Unknown said...

Of course you are going to travel again so soon because it went so well the last time. Always an adventure. Love you S.S

Unknown said...

Hey crazy-
What a classic that last week.
I only got to take you to McChord once! Marta was so glad to get to see you, loved the pic of me and Erin, that was right after she finished her S.A.T's..........
Miss you and already looking forward to reading about your next adventure!

Unknown said...

With all due respect, I was disappointed to see you that Saturday at Dani and fam’s farewell gathering. Like you I was sure you’d be on your way home. So much fun to see you! Sadie and the duck both miss you very much. Take care Lizzy, safe travels.

Unknown said...

I will be parying your travels go very well to and from Terry's graduation!!! Yet another adventure.....

Unknown said...

LOVED the photos; you sure had an exercise in patience! With safe & sound being the main goal you did an excellent job. A number one! How was it navigating JFK? Thats probably a tale worthy of a blog, I saw your take-off, you were one minute early. Woo-hoo!