Friday, June 13, 2008

Wall of Flame

Terry was the first............... and for a few days he held the number one spot, but as it goes.......there is always someone to take up the challenge, and now he sits at a respectable number three!

I did not witness his rise to "flame" but heard about it from Chris and Leona our friends who own a fabulous sandwich shop called Bocodillo in downtown Geilenkirchen. Terry and a friend stopped in for lunch one Saturday and lo and behold what did they find but a contest to see who could eat the hottest sandwich and poof, Terry became the first to make the wall of flame.

I am not 100% sure I understand the "rules" (blah blah blah) but I think the degree of hotness is increased by the amount of the paste put on a sandwich called the Jokers Fire. There is a digital photo album on the wall at Bocodillo's that serves as a reminder as it scrolls thru pictures of the brave souls who complete the meal. I will put the link to the restaurant below where you can view the complete photo sessions, just click on the name.............what I do know is that Terry came home that day beaming about eating the hottest sandwich of his life and later that evening when I put my hand on his stomach I could feel the heat radiating from him............. that is crazy hot!

love and miss you all


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy "HOT" stuff, but by the look and swet on Terry,s face, plus the aftermath "HOT" tummy would just be to much for me. Maybe just a sample would be nice??

Becca said...

Miss Liz!
I always told you that your husband was so HOT! Now you have to believe me! Proof is in the Puddin'! Oh how much I miss you two! Marvi to see you livin' life on the hot side. My kinda folk!
More than bread & milk after a really hot bite!

Unknown said...

Holy cow Terry, you are one brave soul! Sounds like you could have cooked supper on Terry's tummy that night Liz, thats one way to go green! Love you guys-chris

Anonymous said...

Terry I´m proud of you!!! Looks like fun... Just like the sausage you ate at the market in Dusseldorf? Hihi

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.