Tuesday, June 3, 2008


We knew we were in for a good time even before we received the invitation to attend the Polterabend being held in honor of Melanie and Gerd's upcoming nuptuals. A Polterabend is a German custom in which much luck is brought to the betrothed couple by guests breaking porcelain. Many shards bring much luck is the saying, I could easily translate into an "Americanism" by saying...........a smashing good time!

Our friend Josef and Hanni's daughter Melanie is the bride, she and her future husband, Gerd must work together to clean up .........The party was held at Gerds parents home at 23 Puffendorfer Strasse, the address alone indicated a good time must be had! As guests arrived they brought mostly dishes to break against the wall and/or on the street in front of the house, the bride and groom are at the ready with brooms to sweep the shards into a pile.

It was obvious everybody was there to have a good time and the grooms parents were well prepared. There were event tents, a DJ with a huge varitey of music, a bar station complete with a glass washing station (of course) friends and family were busy helping serve the at least 300 guests! I was happy to be in the kitchen for awhile helping make the main snack a schmear on brotchen. This particular schmear is quite the delicacy, a spread made of raw meat-Terry said it was processed but I was not as brave as he was. I was happier to just help make them, not eat them. There was plenty to eat and drink, Terry had to hide his beer glass as it got close to empty otherwise he MUST take another...........in the four hours we were there 5 kegs of beer were consumed!

We learned about different variations of the Polterabend, for instance in Bavaria the bride is kidnapped and taken out to bars where the grooms friends run up a tab that must be paid for by the groom who is then told where they were headed to...... and he remains just one bar behind finding his betrothed.

Also included in the evenings festivities was a bagpipe player, I wish I understood what he said before he played the three songs for Gerd and Melanie, whatever it was it brought a tear to Melainie's eyes. Terry too, I noticed was moved by the bagpipes rendition of Amazing Grace. It really was another wonderful time for us. Everyone was so friendly and we felt honored to be included in the festivities. Around midnight we were saying our farewells when found Melanie and Gerd, to tell them we were leaving and their response............WHY?

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

What a wonderful experience, 300 people, WOW! You must follow up with the wedding blog. Was glad to note you were in tennies. Lightweights, leaving at midnight......Love ya-ct

Becca said...

Ok, first off, what a wonderful party that must have been!! Amazing Grace (my favorite song on the planet) & being able to break stuff in a crowd of 300 and it is acceptable behavior if not encouraged!?!?!? What the... Where the heck was my invitation! I so would have been right @ home w/ you, Miss Liz'Od and Mr. Handsome T.O.. Next time... about a days notice would do it for me. Holy Pete 300 people! I would be in 'People Watchers' Heaven. I miss you two more than you know and warn your new friends that the Crazy American Friends are comin' soon!
More than hearing a best girlfriend/soul mate's voice at 9pm American time or 6am European time- You are the best of the best Miss Liz. Thanks again for letting me live vicariously through you two.