Monday, April 21, 2008

Yellow Green Yellow Red

Yellow - green- yellow- red- is how the traffic lights change here. After I finished the blog about some differences living in Germany, I realized a few items were left out, traffic lights being just one. Also, most all of the houses have a single kitchen sink. And when you move into a vacant home, you will need to buy all your light fixtures because there are none, just bare wires!

Windows can be tilted out from the top to circulate air and the majority of homes do not have screens. Because we live in "farmland" there are lots of flies, my friends daughter Brookelyn told us when we first got here, " there are fly's here.......get used to them!"
Now onto the washer and dryer-the European style machines have very different settings-the washer is like a dishwasher in that it heats up the water internally and the wash cycles are MUCH longer than typical American cycles, if you click on the picture you can see that the white load would take 2:39 and the dryer 2:00 hours!-------also the dryer is a condensor type so it's not vented to the outside, water is collected in a "bin" that is empited after each use.

Oh dear, seems as if I have misplaced the list about the differences I guess I will start a new one. In the meantime......I will leave you with this little tidbit and picture .......... Jim and Connie paid 18 Swiss francs for two lattes at this Starbucks in Switzerland, the exchange rate at the time was basically one for one .......

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

Maureen's people in England said they had a machine that did both wash and dry, have you seen one?
lyvvm CB

Unknown said...

I guess living in Germany you gotta learn to slow down a bit! Perhaps you could use that mini vaccuum style bug catcher, sure did the trick for Mom-and what a delightful conversation piece! Lovy ya-chris

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