Saturday, April 5, 2008


Just down the road less than 5 kilometers from our house is what Terry and I refer to as Hogwarts. For those of you that don't know, surely everyone does ...... Hogwarts is the school of wizardry that Harry Potter attended. Can't you just imagine seeing all the young wizards running amok in this now abandoned building?

After a bit of research into the township of Koningsbosch where the building is located, I found that it's original purpose was a Monastery. The town was named in the 16th century, Koningsbosch directly translated means Kings forest named after Charles V, the then King of Spain. The website where I found this information is in Dutch and something gets lost in translation. For instance here is a sentence directly from website:

The monastery had a farm - garden - bakery - laundry and ziekenzaal. Veel Koningsbosschenaren hebben in het klooster hun brood verdiend. Many in the monastery Koningsbosschenaren have earned their bread.

Huh? Perhaps my good friend Nelly whose native language is Dutch will be able to help out with what is the meant here, no? AND guess what? It just so happens that Lee and Nelly Barlow will be visitng us! We are so excited to welcome them into our home this April/May. I think a trip to Hogwarts with Nelly would be a step in the right direction in understanding the history surrounding this wonderful landmark.

love and miss you all


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

What an amazing building! Hard to believe that its vacant. Could you imagine playing hide and seek there? I would guess there to be a secret passage or many; perhaps even one to Narnia????
I especially like the second picture with the shadow behind the building...too cool!

Love, Matt

Unknown said...

Yes, I can see all the little wizards-to-be sailing around that courtyard and beyond. It would be fun to have an apt there - complete with a butleer, footmen, ladies-in-waiting, etc to complete the picture! Enjoy the Barlow's visit!Much love - Mom

Anonymous said...

I can't help but think of the 16th-century 'architecture' in the (soon-to-be) United States, e.g., log cabins, if that - and compare it to your magnificent 'Hogwarts'.

(Now, just what did I do with that Golden Snitch? :-) )