Monday, March 24, 2008

Frohe Ostern / Happy Easter

Good Friday marks the beginning of the four day Easter Holiday. Most businesses close and families gather together to celebrate many Ostern events such as walks, egg hunts, special meals as well as Easter bonfires. Eggs are readily available and can be purchased painted and hard boiled ready for the Easter basket.

This time of year it's ALL about the egg. Look at the difference in these eggs. The Germans put an extra something something in the chicken feed to make the yolks a darker orange, they want their eggs to look like eggs!

Here in this window is an egg wreath complete with little tiny feathers!

Easter Sunday we feasted with the Nadeau family, which included Jen's Mother, who made awesome fresh rolls, I think the picture here tells the story! And yes ....... of course Jen made sure that Bailey and Terry had plenty of peeps!

Easter Monday we woke up to SNOW!!!! There is a small Chapel not far from the house, we ran out first thing to get this picture. It is an interesting little chapel surrounded by farm fields and dedicated to Heilige Gemma Galgani, not sure what that is all about, but we picked up a brochure to translate...................
What a way to welcome Spring!

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

You might think your egg
is the best all around
Actually an egg is an egg
all the world round

Whether in Deutcshland
or here in the Sound
An egg is an egg
All the world round

So your yolks are more yellow
Than those found in stores
But our eggs are as eggy
As you claim as are yours

And you think it's just swell
That your whites are more white
The taste more eggmellow
And maybe you're right

But it's not the goegraphy
That the make's the white's thicken
It's not the old-world.
that produce's finger-licken

It's not European
It's not where or when
It's not just the egg, Liz
It's also the hen

So take care of the heart
it's what we've been told
We take care as we can
And the rest will unfold

Happy Easter
Love ya lots.................

Unknown said...

Peeps to be found in Germany, of course! What a beautiful winter scene, spring will come, yes? Thanks for sharing a bit of Easter in Germany Liz, love you till next time & always!

Becca said...

Oh, Miss Kerry! Such talent you have. Who Knew? Patrick and I just laughed & laughed. Seems now there is egg on your face Miss Liz. :0) Seems your weather is about the same as ours. Hope to Easter egg hunt with you some day. You are missed like mad. Kiss that handsome husband for me.
more than an egg toss

Unknown said...

Nice spread!! You know I'm a sucker for fresh rolls, of any kind. We had a nice spread at Joan's, wish you could have been there Liz. I am now clicking on the pictures to enlarge the ones I want to see, thanks for the tip!!

Love, Matt

Anonymous said...

This is a *great* web log!

I was given the link by a certain North Carolinian/former co-worker/fellow rocket scientist (can you say 'Planning & Scheduling'? *S*), and have just finished reading it from the beginning. Your excellent writing matches the photographs, and the photos are great! :-)

Y'all take care.