Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Adventures in Amsterdam

What a city! Amsterdam is all that and more. Where shall I begin to tell about our weekend adventures? How about the bikes, have you EVER seen so many bikes in one place? Here is a picture of a bike garage. WOW! Bicycles are everywhere! It is nothing to see a young man riding a bike with his girlfriend/date riding sideways over the back tire while she is snacking on a paper cone of food with her legs crossed at the ankles, just as pretty as you please. Another time we saw a mother carting 4 kids.....two in a cart being pulled, one behind her and one the front. The bikes are also every color imaginable, I guess that would help you identify yours in and amoungst the thousands.......

It took us about 2 1/2 hours by train to arrive at the city's center. We purchased a 48 hour "package" called I AMsterdam, this included a pass to ride the metro system, a canal tour, admission to 13 different museums, discounts to numerous resturants, gifts at designated stores, lunch and a delicious cup of coffee. For us it was the perfect way to experience as much as we could in a 48 hour window, it reminded me of a scavenger hunt. Everywhere we went people were friendly and helpful if we looked remotely confused about where we were going, someone would stop and ask...."can I help you?"

check out the building listing starboard.....

Amsterdam has something for everyone, such diversity...... canal boats, 2,500 house boats, over 1,200 bridges, the high end shopping, the high end "coffee shops", the red light district, the tourists gawking at the red light district, such a fast paced city rich with history and proud of the "anything goes" attitude. It is easy to imagine when the weather warms there are even more sites to see , many out door cafe's so it would be easy to sit and watch as the city life goes by.

Mickey D's right next door to what would normally be on "the scary side of town, not here.... just business as usual.

And here you see Terry so happy to have found find a real "English Pub"

We toured and walked and gawked out way thru as much as we could in the 2 1/2 days we stayed here. I can promise you we will go back the only question would be when........oh and by the way not a single Startbucks..........hmmm.
love and miss you all


Becca said...

Can I come w/ ya all next time? Christopher says he wants to come too. This living vicariously through... well it kinda leaves a big longing for adventure still. Great to see T.O.!! Handsome as can be!! Sounds like lil' Miss Azaria had a great idea huh!? Glad you two went anyway. How fun in that! How were the accommodations? Inspire romance or a flea bath?? Sorry no Starbucks but I bet they have good coffee in a shop or two. 'Member what my dearest friend always says: Be happy in the shoes you are in! And what cool traveling shoes ya all have!! PS Harley to be delivered this Friday 2/8/09! Imagine replacing bicycles w/ vrrrooom vrooom! More than happy traveling feet!

Anonymous said...

What a city, gives new meaning to "live & let live..." Sounds like a definite return trip is in order! The pictures are fabulous, what a treat! I wonder if life with fewer constraints makes one more apt to be a good samaratan, seems to hold true for Amsterdam anyhow! Love ya-ct

Unknown said...

Amazing to think that in a short train ride you can be in a completely different world. It takes longer to get to Portland from Seattle....and those are similar cities. Let me know when you go again and I'll meet you there (ahhh wishful thinking)
Love, Matt

Azaria said...

I am so jealous. It sounds like you both had a wonderful time. I am glad you two decided to go without me. Did you end up going to the "Museum"? Anyhow, I am enjoying the 90 something weather at the equator right now. I would trade almost anything to sit in a cold Amsterdam coffee shop with some soy chai!