Monday, January 28, 2008

Karneval the NATO Way

..........And I quote " Karneval is a time to be a fool, as "if you are not a fool during Karneval, you will be one the rest of the year".

You can't begin to imagine what a festive time of year this is. Karneval or Fasching celebrations have pagan roots that pre date Christianity. The season officially begins on 11/11 at 11:11 and last until Ash Wednesday, ......"it is believed Christians came along, and tried to alter these pagen rituals so Carnival came to mark the beginning of Lent. The name Carnival is derived from Latin carne vale, meaning "farewell to meat".

Last Friday we attended a costume party on base, oh my what a party it was! Unfortunately our camera does not do well with low lighting, I hope to get pictures from friends, in the meantime these will have to do, trust me a fabulous time it was.

This party was well orchestrated, we saw act after act get up on troupes, acrobats, big bands and much much more! Most of the entertainment was "amusing" at one point there were two Elvis Presly's, one younger version and one older version. Each sang age appropriate songs. Also a "German country singer" who had the whole room singing Country Roads by John Denver. There was just something in the air........and whatever it was I caught it and by looking around the room most of the people in attendance caught it as well. A fun filled night for dancing and having a big time!
Here is Jen, better known that night as "The Soceress", who correctly predicted that we would not drink too much because the following day our group would attend a birthday party for Bailey, her soon to be 5 year old daughter. Considering that party was at Monkeys, one of those places where kids can run wild and parents should bring ear plugs........she was oh so wise. Actually, I think what she said was "HELLLLO, Monkeys with a hangover?????

Unfortunately.........Terry has been working 7 days a week 12 hour shifts.....he got to the party about 8:30 looking and feeling a little weary, the program listed activities that lasted until 2:00 am, we along with Elvis, left the building around 10:00 pm..............I am already looking forward to next year, I think it would be hilarious to have a whole group of friends dress up as the waitstaff/cooks........

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

Good one, Liz - I remember Fasching from our tour there - it's amazing - everything shuts down at midnight on Shrove (or Fat) Tuesday. Lent, along with fasting and penance, now takes the place of all the frivolity.
Love you - Mom

Unknown said...

Great party! The look on your face shows what a fun time you must have been having. Qyute funny to be planning next year's costume right after this year's event......
Missin ya!

Mar said...

How much is the price of a cup of coffee at Starbucks? I'm thinking I'll take a bottle of beer or perhaps a stein.
Love your blog, what a cool way to keep us informed and caught up.
Jeopardy's on got to go.
Love Mar

Becca said...

You are, by far, the BEST! Just ask T.O. I tell no lies and neither does that costume my friend. Hottie McHot. Just like fine wine... to which I hope to be sharing w/ you again soon. I am STILL living vicariously through you and it is no wonder I picked you. How much fun can one girl have anyway??? Oh, just ask Miss Liz! (and sometimes Becca!!) To cross the line... I do hope T.O. played the big bad wolf that night and played by the book! No TV is really looking good on you.
More than playing dress up.