Wednesday, January 16, 2008

WHAT THE.........

Our computer crashed right before Christmas. Frustration is a good word and it comes close to describing what it feels like to not have technology right at ones fingertips........especially being so far away and having become dependent on the information highway for social, economical as well as entertainment purposes. To make a long story short Terry and a good friend, Tom ordered the parts to build a brand new computer, bigger better and faster. Parts came in and three trips to various computer stores later, Tom had our new computer assembled and ready for action.........but hold on just a minute , lets just throw in a connectivity problem that involved the telephone company sending out a non English speaking technician who took all of 5 mins to tell me the equipment is kaput! Great, I called Terry to tell him the news about sending it in for repairs.....waiting for them to send a new one repairing the one we had .........Well Terry wasn't going to wait, I do believe he sensed my need because he came home with a brand new modem and now we are back in business. Hip Hip horray!

I have lots to share about the happenings here in our corner of the world, I will be posting a blogs or two here in the next few days. For right now I wanted to let everyone know why I have been "silent" for the past month, so unlike me.

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

As the band Thin Lizzy would say 'The boys are back in town!' Good to know all is now well (finally) on the computer front. Looking forward to reading some new material, and very glad to be able to keep in touch via technology.

Love, Matt

Unknown said...

Hip Hip Hooray! is right. Good to have you back communicating with us again. I'll be looking for more blogs as well as an on-line chat. Three cheers for technology - and Terry!

Much love - Mom

Unknown said...

So glad to have you back!!
Since I've been back at school, your blog is pretty much the only recreational reading I've been doing, and I sure have missed hearing bout all the grand adventures!! ~Thanks Terry :)
love ya-KJ

Becca said...

HOLY PETE!!! It is about time. And I missed you how much. You are on my favorite menu. And yea, we know you have cool stuff to say and that is why your on the favorites. Glad you can check your soaps, scores and chat with all of us that love you so. Kiss T.O. and tell him he is still by far (besides MY stud, the best husband ever!) more than the world at your fingertips! (can I get a 'Yeah Baby!!'?

Unknown said...

Sing For he's a Jolly good fello, to Terry!!!! Great having you back!!!!Love Cec