Monday, November 5, 2007

Cologne Germany

It took less than an hour and a half by train to reach the city centrum in Cologne Germany. We set out with another couple bright and early Friday to see what we could see. When we stepped out of the train station the view of the skyline was dominated with the image of this incredible church, known as Kölner Dom .
There are so many stories and superstitions that surround this Roman Catholic Cathedral, I encourage you to check out the Internet and research the history that surrounds this Dom.
When we entered the church I wondered out loud if stones could talk what stories could they tell.....and it just so happened to be All Souls Day, how appropriate.

Construction began in 1248, you can just imagine the history surrounding the 750 plus years of the churches existence. One of my favorite images is of the church standing strong after the town was bombed by allied forces during WWII. All around was destruction but none of the 14 bombs that were dropped on the church detonated.

Today the church is home to numerous artifacts including a gold shrine that is believed to hold the skulls of the of the Three Magi. So much to see everywhere you look something amazing; a crucifix that was carved in 976, colorful stained glass telling stories of both the old and new testament, numerous oil paintings, images of patron saints as well as pagan figures, knights entombed, mosaic tiles depicting historical epics, gargoyles, Gothic spirals and on and on......truly incredible.

We climbed the south tower up a very narrow staircase, higher and higher we went up past the bells which at one point during our climb rang out once, sudden, loud and unexpected, we about jumped out of our skin. I would not recommend this trip for anyone remotely claustrophobic or weak of heart! Up and up we continued to the very top just below the spiral for an incredible view of the Rhine river and surrounding area.

So enjoyable walking thru "old town" Cologne, we stopped by a cafe along the Rhine river and sampled a beer named after the Dom, after that it was a meal at the Hard Rock Cafe. By the time we headed towards home, it was dark and a light rain began to fall. As we neared the train station, the Church bells started to ring loud and strong and I could feel them vibrating through me, I thought it was a very fitting farewell.

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures, Liz - and what a spectacular view from the tower. I never would have made it up there, though! Bet your ears were ringing from the bells, bells, bells! Amazing to think of all the history and art work in those old cathedrals - and then on to the Hard Rock Cafe - what a contrast! Take care - keep the blogs a'comin!
Love you - Mom

Becca said...

Wow and that is what I have to say about that!! What an incredible journey that must have been. I think I would have been so awe struck. I beleive that images like that sketch themselves into the eyelids. Lucky lucky girl and boy to behold such awe inspiring sights. No wonder I live vicariously through you... nothin' like that here in ole Oregon City.
More than trying to catch your breath! B