Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tuesday 21 Aug

Terry is working swings for the rest of the week. Thought I'd talk about how much fun it is to ride our bikes. The bike trail system is unbelievable. There is a trail/path system set up that allows you to follow a designated number to anywhere you wish to go. Information maps are set up at a number station. From there it tells you the next number path to follow. For instance to go to Heinsburg, we would follow 33 to 39 to 41.......the numbers are posted on signs at intersections. You go in and out of cornfields, roads that are paths only or perhaps right thru the heart of town, just follow your number. Terry figured it out on our second trip out, such a smart man, course once he showed me I GOT IT TOO!

When we drove to the Schinnen commissary a few days ago , a 35 min car ride, we counted 100 bikes on the road. Everyone it seems has a bike. Old and young alike, you see whole families out enjoying time together, it is a beautiful thing to see. We have put over 50 miles on our bikes, mostly I play ride faster to keep up with Terry. Lovin it.

Have a marvelous day

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would like to see mom tooling around on a bicycle! Keep up the good work on the blogs Liz, I have a feeling they are going to become pretty popular!!!!