Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Springtime in Spain

Yesterday we visited Besalu, a beautiful town nestled in the volcanic hills near the Costa Brava. Our journey to this medieval village began as we crossed a dramatic stone bridge built in the 11th century. Steep narrow streets wind their way throughout and it's easy to imagine what life must have been like in times gone by.
Morning found us enjoying a cup of cafe con leche on the market square, I can't think of a better way to start the day.

We, along with our friends Kevin & Melissa Brothers, are traveling thru Spain on a guided tour that we booked last winter. There is so much to see and do.... so far the town of Besalu has been our favorite. This village is steeped in history, every stone street whispers of what once was in this village that housed a community that included Jews, Christians, and Muslims that lived peacefully together for many centuries.

All throughout Europe we have found stories and images of St. George the Dragon slayer and Besalu is no exception. Here however he is called Sant Jordi and he is a very important figure as the towns Patron Saint. Once a year and only once a year on April 23rd an herb is picked and added to a liqueur called Ratafia that is made only in this region of Catalonya, of course the town has a festival all in the honor of Sant Jordi ! Imagine.....both the Brothers and the Osheims have a bottle of Ratifia in our bag of treasures to take home.......

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

Gorgeous pictures, don't ya just love the guided tours-especially when there is so much rich history. All can relax and enjoy, am so very glad Terry could go! I wonder what the secret to such peaceful co-existence between religions was in Besalu. Maybe it was the Ratifia......only 1 bottle?! Enjoy, enjoy.....hope you squeeze in another adventure or 2, lovin ya

Unknown said...

Wow! Two blogs in a week - you are on a roll, Lizzy. It is such fun to "travel" Europe with you through your blogs. You do have the knack of picking up interesting bits of the history of a region. Very enlightening! Enjoy the rest of your tour. We in the NW are looking forward to seeing you soon and hearing of your adventures in person. Much love - Mom

Becca said...

I am, as usual, living vicariously through you two. What a wonderful adventure! Tell T.O. I forgive him for not coming to the States and instead, going on an adventure with you & the Brothers. Way more entertaining I am sure. Plus, no jetlag!! Just for today...Be the Dragon Slayer!xoxo
More than being taken back in time.

Melissa said...

Superb post! And the best part was I was there to experience it with you all!

Lee and Nelly said...

Lizzie, We agree with your Mother, 2 Blogs in just one (1) week!!! This one is very touching also. Once again, You, "Lizzie the Grand Reporter", did it very nice. Happy to see and hear about another great travel experience. Keep it up.

Unknown said...

Here in Washington, things 100 years old are considered old (getting close mom!!) on the Atlantic coast 400 years old......but where you visit, that's not even a twinkle in Lady Liberty's eye; I'm jealous.