Friday, April 2, 2010

Mom's 80!

Busy lizzy here......... and there is no indication that I am going to slow down any time soon. So sorry I haven't blogged in awhile, ......hence busy of 2 April.......95 days til we leave Germany and move to Washington State, not Japan as we were first is an interesting set of circumstances that paved the way for us to McChord Air Force Base. As a matter of fact, I was in Washington for my Mom's 80th Birthday Extravaganza, what a wonderful wonderful time , I had an amazing 30 days at "home".

And to prove it, below are pictures not in any paticular order because I am using the laptop that won't allow me to place them where I want, so what you get to see are some are random of me on the C17 where this journey began.... I took a fun filled military hop across the pond, the flight crew let me sit up front, chatted with a headset.....another is of ALL ten kids and Mom taken at her Birthday Open House picture is at Starbucks we were having a good-bye latte in Enumclaw. And guess which picture is taken as I was sitting in line to ride the ferry back from the island.....and last but not least a rooftop reminder of a fun filled St. Patricks day celebration that has turned into a Butcher/Osheim tradition.

Lots more to follow......really!

love and miss you all


Becca said...

So glad to hear you are moving back home!! (dang it for the loss of Japan trip though) Sorry for those of you in Germany who will miss them but we (I am sure I speak for many), are tired of missing them! It was Marvi to finally meet all the Adams siblings! Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful! Hard to fit all 10 in one camera lens! Plus a proud Mama makes 11!!
Safe and happy adventures to you and T.O.
More than dear friends comin' home!

S.S said...

I have to mimic Becca in saying so glad you are coming home it has been a long time I am anxious to have you here!!!!

Lovin U :)

Unknown said...

You are Busy Lizzy!!!
I sure hope your Easter was Wonderful!!!
We are all excited to have you and Terry State Side...can't wait!
Love You

Unknown said...

Gotta love doing the "full circle" thing, I know all in the NW will love having you 2 back! At least you will be stateside, am very excited about that. Becca it was Wonderful times 3 to meet you as well, especially when I realized you were THE Becca. Hope your remaining time is fabulous & safe travels!

char said...

Aww I wish so much I could have been there. Unfortunately as an intern they are not eager to accomodate our time off requests! I am so excited that you are moving back..tho I will miss vicariously living through your adventurous posts and pictures! Mwah

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm, Washington or Japan? Adventures are fun, but we'll have some adventures here too!!!!