Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Love the comments

I started my blog to keep in touch with family and friends, also to document our time in Europe. After I write an adventure/story I can hardly wait to read the comments. It is like having a message waiting after you've been gone all day. That being said........this blog

Is a classic.... a comment before it was written! I accidently posted a blank blog, and POOF a comment.

It's fun to go back and just read all the comments .......Guaranteed to make you smile.

I believe that 13 commnets is the record, there are two blogs with no comments and only twice have I had to delete comments for innappropriate content!

And as always............

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

I just read your last two blogs.
Fifteen years? Congratulations Liz. Congratulations Terry.

You both made our time over there the best we could hope for.

And now Japan is next for you! Wow!

Wishing you the best in 2010.


Becca said...

Ok Ok, mine were probably the two you deleted! I can live with being boarderline... makes life interesting. Love the pic Miss Liz! Wish I had a pair of choos like that! Tick tock tick tock almost time to see you two, hurry up clock! Can't hardly wait!
More than the smell of fresh coffee on a cool Saturday morning!

Unknown said...

Hey I want to read the deleted ones!!!
You have done an amazing job lysvvvvm

Unknown said...

Forgot to the shoes!!!!

Unknown said...

Allowing us to share in some of your adventures has been a wonderful way to keep you closer Liz, thanks for sharing your journal. You didn't have to! I also love reading the comments, in Aug. '08 I was re-reading your blogs/comments & stumbled on one written in Sept. '07. A visit to your very first castle! No comments!!! I commented & joked that as I was living vicariously thru you yet again did that classify me as reincarnated? Love you & keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hmmmm deeleted comments??
13 is the record i am thinking we can break that cant wait to see you not to long now!!!
lovin you!!

Liz said...

.....and now three deleted comments, two of them were just weird, like spam for blogs, ramblings of someone wanting me to monetize my blog, and yes one from Becca, ya gotta love it!

Unknown said...

Becca, I gotta meet ya! Keep your expectations low, I am very boring. Am also confused lizo-when was blog posted w/ those incredible shoes, apparently a blank blog was posted (my attorney will be contacting you soonly) and ALLEDGEDLY a comment was posted? This allusive comment is.......the shoes hold a great clue. Am right on it!

Liz said... Kerry, I mean Rit left a comment on a blank blog, THEN I wrote the "love the comments" around that....Chrissy, there is not a boring bone in your body! Becca should come to Washington and meet everyone......AND I deleted an unwanted comment on this blog, almost like....SEE WHAT I MEAN. The picture of me in the shoes in Amsterdam...........well.....I just wanted to add it somewhere and this seemed like as good a place, yes?

Unknown said...

Reading the comments can be almost as much fun as your blogs! Love the shoes and that my husband would comment on a blank blog :)

Unknown said...

This is Emily. I LOVE YOUR SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see you in march. Love you

Unknown said...

Well, not to be left out I shall also comment on the comment blog - which was very clever, Liz, shoes and all. Thanks for inspiring her, Rit. Can't wait to see you - soon now - and you too, Emily!
Safe travels everybody!
Much love - Mom

Unknown said...

Every once in awhile I go back and read comments on some of the older blogs. Lots of great ones!! Might need to search the archives and find the poor, sad, lonely, commentless blogs. They must be from the early days. Thanks for sharing your awesome adventures and helping us stay in touch.

Becca said...

I certianly plan on seeing you in Washington Missy!! Hell or high water I tell ya! Are you trying to tell me I haven't met everyone yet? Chris... Of course, I would love to meet you. If you know and fratenize with Liz and T.O. I am sure you are far from boring! I can be a bit off the wall sometimes (as LizO surely knows) but it's usually for a laugh so...

Unknown said...

sweet! It seems we have a new record for comments!!

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NELLY said...

Hi Liz, I THINK THEY ARE A LITTLE BIG, BUT YOU CAN HAVE THEM MADE TO FIT, SAY HI TO TERRY! You know that I love you a lot, you have been a great friend, thanks for always being their, enjoy the travels,I HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN SOON, I MISS YOU A LOT!

char said...

omg you look exactly like my mom in that pic! Anyway, thank you sooo much for the lovely surprise card and gift certificate! I have been paying to use the internet at Starbucks so it is perfect and a huge help! Love the blog, love you!!