Monday, September 28, 2009

Can it Be ?

NO WAY, it hasn't been all that long has it?????

I have been reminded it has been WAY too long since I posted a blog. I could use the excuse the computer upstairs crashed, you know, the one with all my pictures on it~ I still have the laptop, but it is basically Terry's computer so mostly pictures of tractors! Every picture tells a story..........and most of my stories are stored on the hard drive upstairs. But truth be told that only happened a few weeks ago. I have started several blogs, I don't know why I havn't finished them....... Terry has been gone much of the time this summer, and as always it has been busy at the Osheim household.

Now that I have decided to write a blog or two.... do I backtrack and tell about our 5 hour lunch with an Italian family, my infamous dog blog idea, or let's not forget that Bruggelchen had it's annual summer kirmes, then there is always the evening having a beer (or two) with a former king....or perhaps I should keep it simple and begin with.....

Last Wednesday we toured a brewery in the Netherlands. Terry is taking a college class, something to do with management or production, in any case, as a final project the class arranged a tour of the ALFA brewery, and spouses were encouraged to attend, the more the merrier, right! Due to a mix up on time, the whole group was an hour late, we got an abbreviated tour that had our tour guide Margurite leading us up and down conrete steps at a dizzying pace. After the tour ended we were lead to a huge bar room free samples and plates of food. We were the last tour of the day and caught up with the previous tour already well into there samples......turned out to be quite the party, even the tour guides were behind the bar sampling away. We came home with a few purchases as well as a commerative glass.

The brewery is family owned and started in 1870, there are three duckheads on the logo, and Terry naturally wanted to know the significance.........Margurite just laughed, the story goes, she said the founding family couldn't come up with anything, so they said how about duck, then how about three ducks. She hinted more but wouldn't say .....The brewery follows the Reinheitsgebot, which is simialr to the purity law, and is the only brewery in the Netherlands that uses an (onsite) officially certified underground spring. My favorite part of the tour was a poster sized picture of a 97 year old smiling woman, Tante Wies who claims to drink at least a beer a day!

Do you want to tour the brewery? Well, just follow the link below/select English/select introduction and take the virtual tour on their website. You just gotta love it!

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

Was the beer good??
Love the pictures!!
You do a great job!

Nelly-Lee said...

Good Blog, Now you have to go to Amsterdam, to the Heineken brouwerij and then at the end of the tour they let you drink as much beer as you want and serve great Dutch cheese and then you can crash in the park accross the street I DID IT MANY TIMES, MAKE SURE ITS IN THE SUMMER YOU WILL LAY IN THE GRASS FOR QUITE SOME TIME, YOU NEED TO SOBER UP BEFORE GETTING BACK ON THE TRAIN!

Liz said...

Of course the beer was good!

Unknown said...

Gotta love "spouses welcome"! Take a minute to check out the brewery on the link, the virtual fizz will leave you thirsty but the history on brewery is worth about that former king....

Milne Family said...

Sounds like a grand time. Wish we could've joined you!

Unknown said...

Great blog, loved the picture of Tante Wies. We should all be so lucky to still be drinking a beer a day at 97!!
I too am intrigued about the former king.....
So hard to believe it has been a whole year since we came over to visit.

Anonymous said...

hey I have 3 ducks!!!! nice to see you on line again I missed You!!!
Love S.S

Becca said...

It's times like these that I wish I drank beer! How about a wine tour Missy!! THAT I can relate too! And yes, I will be 97 and still sippin' the merlot! Oh and that layin' in the grass until you sober up sounds like a fine idea! tee hee
More than free drinks!

Becca said...

It's times like these that I wish I drank beer! How about a wine tour Missy!! THAT I can relate too! And yes, I will be 97 and still sippin' the merlot! Oh and that layin' in the grass until you sober up sounds like a fine idea! tee hee
More than free drinks!

Becca said...

Why did it post twice? Guess incase you missed my comment the first time! haha

Unknown said...

Ahhhh: when all else fails, go with beer!! Nice to see you up and posting again Liz. Perhaps a medly blog will be in our future? Take care all. Love, Matt

Unknown said...

I LOVE the idea of a medly blog Matt, however I believe it is spelled medley. Nice try.

Unknown said...

I believe if Edison had invented electracity, they would still celebrate him as the inventor of electricity.