Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I told Terry the other day that I REALLY need to post a blog tomorrow, he said, that is what you said last week......and the week before that........AND the week before that!

Yikes! Where has the time gone? It can't be almost Valentines Day!
It was hard to say good-bye to my Mom in January, we had such fun while she was here, so many stories that I should have shared along the way. Our trip to the markets plus our jaunt down memory lane to Landstuhl come to mind, but for this blog I will share a story from our Ireland trip.

Mom, Terry and I arrived in Dublin on St. Stephens Day, or Boxing Day as it is known in England. We had arranged to let an apartment on the south side of town near where the Rigney's live. We called Mikal and he agreed to pick us up at half one- which by the way is how the Irish tell time, it sounds quaint doesn't it? He was delighted to meet Mom and Terry, he then took us to his Mother's house where we were treated to a memorable lunch. She had obviously put some time into it, there was a huge amount of food and the table was set beautifully. She is is a charming and vivacious woman, Mikal calls her Mudds. I can only guess that it's a shortened version of Mother-Mudder-Mudds.......however, I never did ask. Lunch concluded with a special cake Mudds had made before her Spain holiday- (I didn't dare ask when that was) she did need a VERY sharp knife plus Terry to help hold the cake while she hacked into it.....I likened it to a fruit cake covered (sealed you might say) in marzipan! And she told us that she had saved cutting it just for us! She did rembember to unplug the blinking Christmas light atop the cake prior to consumption! Too funny, I didn't dare look at my Mom.

Mikal loaded us in his car and began a tour of Bray and the surrounding area. It was a beautiful drive that took us on a coastal route that included a peek at the residence of U-2's Bono.
At various times throughout the day, Mikals wife Aideen had called his cell, we could hardly help but hear his end of the conversation......things like "no dear, I really didn't eat much" (we certainly had) and "yes, dear we will be home round half six or so to be sure" We were just passengers along for the ride, I did wonder at the twinkle in both his and Mudds eye.....True to his word, we finished the sightseeing and the five of us arrived at his home to be welcomed by his family. Introductions made and then with drinks in hand............ we were led to the dining room and saw that Aideen had a formal dinner table set and we were the guest of honor!

I would pay good money to have a picture of the look Mom's face when the (heaping) plate of food was set in front of her, no wonder Mikal only picked lightly at lunch at Mudd's house! Needless to say the conversation and the wine flowed late into the evening. I do believe I waddled on the way outside to get into a cab back to our apt. I was very thankful there was not another "Irish Christmas Cake" for dessert!

love and miss you all


Becca said...

Oh Look Miss Liz... I am first!! Yeah for me! Yea for this Mudd! Reminds me of the song "Hello Mudder, Hello Fadder, here I am at Cape Granada..."! Wonderful blog; as usual. Christmas lights on a cake, whoda thunk it? I too would probably have avoided Mom's eyes :0) She was probably thinking 'I love my daughter, I love my daughter..WHAT did I get myself into!?!' Sounds like once again you had the time of your life! Europe looks good on you girlfriend. Glad Mom got to share it with you! We all miss you so!
More than making memories with our Mudds

Unknown said...

Never let it be said you all went hungry under the Rigney's watch, hilarious! Mudds.....shades of our Greta? Am so very glad a jaunt to see them/Ireland worked out, the pictures are wonderful. A very handsome group they make, will be in touch as I want names! I was able to pick out Mudds!!!!
Always a treat lizo-chris

Unknown said...

About time you posted a blog! So many good times in Europe, glad I was able to share a few....
I went to an over 80's luncheon with me mudd today-it was lovely.
Great pics love ya and your mudd:)

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous Irish adventure!

Unknown said...

Ahhhh. The blogs are back in town! I wonder how loud the cake would have thumped had it fallen to the floor?!? What would dent first...floor or cake? A connection with our relatives would have to include some hilarity! No midnight snacks that night for sure!! Keep 'em comin, your public needs you!!!
Love always, Matt

Anonymous said...

You have a talent for the making of words into stories... best part is it's all true! Can't wait to see what comes next.


Anonymous said...

Liz, I can hear Terry saying that to you and I would say them to you to, that's what you said last time... Happy to read your blog again! Miss you guys a lot and yes family in the States, I really miss them even they're 20 minutes away from me...

Judy, it was really nice meeting you & I hope to see you again in my life! Take care & thank you for your beautifull daughter (inside & out)!

Kiss kiss Julie

Unknown said...

OH MY...Very Very Funny!!!
This story is a holiday keeper, I really laughed myself silly!!
By the way you and Mom both look fabulous!!
Lots of Love

Unknown said...

sounds like so much fun you can tell we are related no one goes hungry!!!! Cant wait to see you wont be long now 9th comment for #9
Love S.S

Unknown said...

Love all the comments! are a bit of a brown-noser (even though mom and Liz did look good)