Thursday, December 4, 2008

Birthday Blog!

Here we are again another Dezember upon us, which many of you know kicks off what we refer to in the Adams family as Birthday Week. That special time before the Christmas Holiday season kicks into high gear. This week sees more than a few fellow Sagittarian's turning another year older. They include: our friend Jim Long, the twins, Jim and Joan Adams, Annie Butcher, Charlotte Thompson, my neighbor Llorenz, the hunter, Steve Adams and OF COURSE yours truly, privelaged to spend this year with my Mom who is visiting from the states. Naturally, the evening was spent with a few friends and naturally we had a few laughs................

The guests included our German friends Hanni and Josef , Josef's sister Annie as well as Dutch Roy and Belgique Julie. The menu , one of my favorites- chilidogs! It was funny watching their faces especially the mozzarella cheese stringing from spoonfuls of chili,. For dessert I requested Mom's easy quaker cake with broiled coconut topping. She commented, " such a simple cake Lizzy, are you sure?"

This simple cake turned out to be the evenings entertainment......everyone loved dessert and insisted on the recipe, or as Josef called it, the reciept...SO Julie, being Julie the "translator" was writing down Mom's dictation.....Hanni and Annie with all their questions and gestures, discussing stirring versus beating......rapid German/English/Dutch flying back and forth- everyone make things more complicated we had to convert cups to milliliters, fahrenheit to centigrade, inches to centimeters etc, etc........our Simple Quaker cake kept getting more and more complicated.....there would be a lull in the conversation then someone would ask a question and we were off and running much coconut......just what is cream in German, can it be doubled...... etc. etc. just too funny~

The evening concluded with everyone taking home a copy of what is now referred to as Kuchen von Judy! It was one of those "YOU HAD TO BE THERE" stories, but for those of us who were was another evening spent sharing and laughing with friends.

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

Oh my how funny!!!!!
I was chating with Mom via gmail chat,as the party was in full swing, I almost felt like I was there. So very nice to have a Birthyday Week Blog, I will never forget the year Mom gave you all Partys we lived in Germany at the time......What a week!

Unknown said...

happy happy b.bay Liz wish I could be there!!! chat with you soon.

Unknown said...

LOL!!! The photo of "the official measurement" is hilarious. I just made the cake, pinapple upside down version, 3 weeks ago. To have it cause such a stir is a real compliment in the birthplace of the struedel! Birthday Salutations to all you December babies.

Anonymous said...

Hey Liz,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We use to spend that day together. Remember mine was the 6th. Miss you guys so much, life is so much different around here. It's kind of weird not seeing Terry running down the back gate.

Becca said...

So, one must ask how it is that one could possibly lay her hands on that recipe as well? Couldn't get the pic to come up for me. Oh and far be it for me to not comment on your blog til now when being a fellow sag I wasn't even mentioned. Hmpf. I see how it is going to be. As T.O. would say 'Hows that workin' for ya' I love how we both remember each others birthdays but never acknowledge that we do at the time. Friends. How cool is that.
More than reading your blogs Miss Liz!

Unknown said...

I can just picture the scene: its the simple things that can provide great entertainment (like a toothpaste cap!!). Now mom has left a legacy with her own recipe, not surprised!!! Love and miss you, Matt

Anonymous said...

Okay people, this was really funny! Can you imagine me sitting between Judy & the Germans? Oh my God... I still don't believe what a hassel it was to translate the recepie! Evening went fast... ...that's for sure!

Big hello to everybody!
Kiss kiss Julie