Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Slideshow at 6:00!

It was fun to review pictures at the end of the day, and that is how slide show at six became the theme for time spent with Kerry and Rit who came here on "Holiday” from Anderson Island, Washington. We began our adventures in Amsterdam, then moved to Germany where we visited various places using our house as a home base. We created memories in both Aachen and Köln, the Larsen's then hopped a train headed for Paris where they met up with another vacationing couple from the island, Co and Dale. That foursome then experienced Paris for a few days*. Four became six when all met in Spangdalem, Co’s son David is stationed at Spang, so the Osheims and Larsens headed home via Koblenz and an interesting tour of the Burg-Eltz castle*, Co and Dale joined us the next day.

Sunny crisp fall days followed us almost everywhere we went, fall has been an unbelievably gorgeous season and seems as if it was special ordered just for us, how lucky and of course appreciative we are!

Six became eight when we were joined by Connie and Jim and all headed out on a road trip to France to tour the famous Alsace wine country. We drove along the wine route and visited several picturesque cities.* Connie and Jim had spent time at a hotel called Emme Buckel, run by the Faller family; who also own the restaurant and winery on the property, all run by members of their very large family. We benefited from their friendship with a personal wine tour, that had Julian, a charming 17 year old touring us thru the whole wine process, then the family treated us to a wine tasting complete with snacks. They were wonderful hosts and made us so feel so welcome, it was another special memory and one we won’t soon forget.

Adventure, laughter and good times followed us the entire time and as I sit down and recall the visit, I realize how hard it is to summarize, so I will share just a few highlights:

Most embarrassing moment: "CLEAN UP ON AISLE FOUR”
That is what Dale announced after Jim dropped a bottle of red wine in the grocery store, shattering and splattering the contents all over he and Connie.

2nd most embarrassing moment: “What for me?”
Kerry’s response when Edo gave a bottle of wine to “The American”

Best line: "You have problems, no HE has problems"
The line used by the train conductor when he realized both Terry and Rit were not actually holding valid tickets for our ride between Amsterdam and Sittard.

2nd Best line: "Dead guy in the floor"
Seems as if they were even buried four deep in some churches, we saw lots and lots of tombs and relics, several displays with just pieces and parts of "dead guys" so this became a fun line to use.

Those are just a few of the many "moments" and one more that I need to share, and that of course is the saddest moment and that was saying good-bye.

Love and miss you all

* denotes information that could possibly mean material for a future blog! including but not limited to the mosastary built into the rock cliffs , the clock at Strassbourg where an astrological clock at solar noon.....etc.etc. etc......


Unknown said...

How to describe our trip? Awesome, magical,fantastic are a few words that come to mind and yet none really describe how much FUN we had! Sharing a trip as big as this with friends as great as you two was definately the best part. Rit and I are still jet-lagged and in a bit of a fog, hard to beleive we're back home...
So many good times and memories, we so appreciate all that you did as hosts, thanks again my friend-Kerry

Unknown said...

What a hilarious time, so much FUN to see pics of Rit & Kerry-I'd know you guys anywhere-of course! Paris in the fall, a new trend to be sure, those fools that suffer it in the spring! How very cool to receive a special tour of the winery, the look on Kerrys face as she is being gifted w/ a bottle of vino is priceless. Great stuff!!! ct

Unknown said...

This one was so good I had to come back and read it again!!! Kerry and Rit look Fab!!! What fun you all seem to be having it's a shame it had to end.
Liz you do an amazing job and I look forward to your future adventures!!

Unknown said...

Liz I love your blogs! It was so fun to look at pictures of the parent's trip to see you guys...especially since I haven't seen ANY of their pics yet! I was quite jealous of this whole adventure I must say. Although..my dad was wearing a PLU sweatshirt in front of some fantastic old building...I feel so proud :)

Becca said...

Should be against the law for someone to have that much fun, let alone 8 someones! How wonderful for you all! Paris in the Fall sound devine! So many images etched on the inside of your eyelids I would bet!
More than that.

Anonymous said...

so great to be taking a vacation with you all!! paris is lovely this time of year .
Love S.S

Unknown said...

A story well told. When fun happens, groups tend to grow!!! Dead guy on the floor, too funny!