Sunday, October 12, 2008

My First Half

Naturally we had a bit of excitement on the way to Köln where we signed up to run the 1/2 marathon........

A group of us decided to ride the train and it was in the city of Rheydt that the entertainment started. Our connecting train just happened to coincide with a fußball game and Rheydt, it turns out is the hub where fans are bussed to the game. The moment we got off the train we were surrounded by what I like to call the Red and Green fans......actually it was Möchengladbach vs. Köln. We quickly found our platform for the outbound train and stopped to gape at the scene in front of us.

There were riot police everywhere, mostly they were busy keeping the two sets of fans separated as they streamed towards their busses. There was a lot of beer drinking and the fans were very loud singing their teams theme song. We saw a bus loaded with "red houligans" who were shouting and singing and rocking the bus, it is amazing that the bus didn't tip over! The police were also busy video taping all the action, WOW! are the Germans serious about soccer or what! We were able to relax once we put all the chaos behind us and got on our connecting train headed for Köln.

Here we are on the first part of the journey, Connie and Jim dropped us at the train station in Geilenkirchen. What a wonderful experience it was to run in the in the beautiful cathedral city of Köln. I had the benefit of a two time marathoner as a trainer, okay my personal trainer is also my husband...but what better motivater could I ask for than Terry! I completed a 16 week training program and had a goal to run 10 minute miles. I was pretty much on pace at the halfway point with a 01:03:13 time, but ran out of steam at about mile 10, then struggled to keep up, still all in all I finished not too far off my goal time. And if I understand the results correctly I finished 340 out of 2234 in my age group, not too bad! Terry had the option of running his own race or pacing for me and he chose to run with me, and our/my final time............02:19:54!

Love and miss you all


Anonymous said...

I think it is so absolutely fabulous that you trained so hard and did such an excellant job! What a fantastic accomplishment. And the memories of the day to reflect on for years to come...WAY TO GO!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Am so impressed, what a way to experience downtown Koln. WAY TO GO indeed!!! So interesting to see pics of the infamous hooligans, police have their work cut out for them on game day. An ounce of prevention......avoids the poundings. ct

Unknown said...

Good thing you weren't dressed in the wrong colors. No soccer brawls for you two!!!!