Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mr. September!

"I know JUST the guy," said Jen when she found out the NATEX was looking for a "mature, distinguished, outdoorsy kind of guy" to model clothing for the Timberland line for an upcoming sale. She called to ask if Terry would be interested and I told her of course he would! Between the two of us he really didn't have much of a choice. And that my family and friends is how Terry Osheim ended up on page 3 of the September Event Flyer.

So a special thanks goes out to Jen for Mr. Terry's opportunity for a try at a modeling career! That is certainly one way to get your face out there and be recognized around the base. Julie also works for the NATEX in the retail store and she informed me that she made sure to save enough copies for anyone wanting an autographed souvenir!

Once again look at the September Event Flyer page 3

love and miss you all


Anonymous said...

Germany's next top model!!! Terry did a great job and he will be recognized for months to come everywhere he goes!

Becca said...

AAh, 15 minutes of fame may turn into a return request cuz he makes those cloths look GOOOOOOD! Nicely done T.O.!
More than being married to a model!

Unknown said...

Go Terry! Am so impressed, what a fun thing to do! Great to broaden those horizons every which way-the skies the limit!

Unknown said...

Woo hoo, Terry - way to go! What a hunk - you'll have all the gals hearts going pit-a-pat! I can hear them now wherever you go "Hey, there he is - that model guy!" Enjoy your celebrity status.

Anonymous said...

My My My, Way to go. I love Timberland those are the shoes I wear at work. Now I can brag to everybody My bro-in-law the mobel.
Lovin you S.S