Saturday, August 16, 2008


We have been watching the neighborhood prepare for the sommerkirmes. All thru the village homes are sparkly clean, sidewalks swept, yards mowed and edged, all the flowerbeds bursting with color. Everyone who owns a village flag has displayed it proudly atop a pole in their front yard. This years festival is scheduled to run for three days. Just up the street at the dorfhalle there are carnival rides and of course food and beer !

We heard the band coming towards our house and around the block they went, evidently gearing up for the next go round because about an hour later we heard them again. I grabbed the camera as I hollered at Terry "show me how to take a video"......WHEW just in time! This time as they marched by all the neighbors were lined up in front of their homes, as the entourage marched by...... the villagers fell in behind and the party grew as they marched on. You can see the King and Queen of the Kirmes as well as other dignitaries as they parade past us. I must apologize to my faithful readers for not doing any research on the traditions and history that accompanies this festival, I think the celebration marks the founding of the town, or it could just be yet another reason for the community to have a party!

As I type this blog I can hear music coming from the dorfehall, you just have to love the festive atmosphere on a warm summer is so very interesting here.

love and miss you all


Anonymous said...

Now I've got that song running through my head!

Thanks, Liz!! :-)

Unknown said...

LOVED the video, am so impressed! Village fellowship, how cool is that, a summer evening to cherish. Keep 'em coming Liz, wer'e loving these glimpses of Germany-and missing you! ct

Unknown said...

Well, it only took me two days to figure out the pic was actually a video! I finally saw the little arrow at the bottom and realized I could make the band march and oom-pah! How clever you are, Liz! What a treat to read your blogs and now to also see the sights and hear the sounds. What is the world coming to! Keep 'em coming! Love and miss you too - Mom

Unknown said...

WHAT, no research. Well, since you added a video I'll let it go!! Kidding of course, great stuff Liz. So fun to get a peek into your world a world away from us. Keep up the good work. Love, Matt

Anonymous said...

Love your blog liz so nice to see a little bit of your village.I just figured out that I can comment,on your blog, I can't wait for the next entry. Loving you S.S