Monday, July 14, 2008

Who ya tellin!

I know I don't have to remind anyone summertime is a busy time. It seems like life happens at a faster pace this time of year. Recent events include but are not limited to the following.....and any one of these pictures should/could represent a standalone blog. I am finding it hard to find time to stop and "blog the story"

Elmar's pig roast....

Another day was spent with Julie, Roy, Elmar and Gabi. A twelve hour day that included an early morning Trodel market.....then afterwards we ate and drank our way thru Dusseldorf, as Terry says.......we were hangin with the locals!

Oh yeah! Let's not forget the wonderful wine tasting at Connie and Jim's, we sampled a few bottles of wine they picked up on their Italian vacation....

Also it just so happens that Julie and Terry share a birthday, Julie's family threw a party and Terry and I were included along with friends and family. The food was FABULOUS, the meats came special ordered from Belgium, by far the best quality I have tasted since setting foot in Europe. The birthday bash was another memorable day spent with friends, everyone made us feel welcome. I had to laugh when people actually congratulated me for Terry's birthday!

And one final note.......... July 10th was our one year anniversary of being overseas, we decided to celebrate with a week of traveling throughout Germany. We leave for Koblenz and Trier as we wind our way in a southerly direction towards Ramstien Air Force Base.

Oh yeah and I do need to blog about my "job" working at the German restaurant down the street, can you say "hey bartender"........ .bitte ein bit!

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

This blog reminds me of a medly that a band plays in concert. Not quite the whole song, but a part of several songs together. I read the last several blogs as I have been terribly behind, the 'Wall of Flame' is classic! Can't wait to hear more about the job. Congrats on a fun filled year in Eurpoe.

Love, Matt

Anonymous said...

Hi, guys!!

It's great to see you making the best of your time in Europe. I've known several people who've spent 3-4 years over there and hardly ventured away from their American - or at least, English-speaking - friends. much 'Deutsch' are y'all 'sprechend'? :-)


Unknown said...

It is a medley-a wonderful synopsis of your past adventures! I bet the roast pig was fabulous. Good for you to celebrate with a trip, I like to follow on a map, safe travels and happy landings!!!! Birthday salutations to you Terry, may your year be full of blessings. Love ya-chris

Anonymous said...

Who ya telling? Me! Hihi. Thank you for all the good notes that I got for my birthday... Wasn`t that fun? We only have fun! But really guys; I really love both of you!!! You`re the best friends ever!!! I can`t emagine you guys leaving (sorry family)... Waiting for a new blog!

Big-o-hoochy-momma-kiss Julie

Anonymous said...

Well Done Lizzy. Nice pics and your narrative is very entertaining. Thanks for calling yesterday. Really perked up my day.

Can't wait for Ireland!

Becca said...

From the diary of a pig.
"So, there I was just minding my own business wondering what the day had in store for me: would it be rolling in the mud enjoying myself or maybe over eating on the slop bin when BLAHM!next thing I know I have a pole shoved up my keiser and an apple in my mouth! How do I like them apples? Not so much anymore! SNORT! My name is Paul Porker not Pulled Pork!"
Love your blogs girlfriend! Oh and Miss Julie, the Osheims are Superior humans and we have loved them longer so Neener Neener they HAVE TO come home, sooner would be better. If you want, you can come too and we will all have a most wonderful time yuckin' it up together.
More than not waking up to a pole you know where!