Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summer Solstice Wedding

Best wishes and congratulations to Melanie and Gerd who, on 21 June 2008 completed their wedding rituals with a beautiful service held in the chapel in Loverich, Germany.

In Germany the betrothed couple have two ceremonies, one at the Rathaus or Courthouse then later a formal wedding held in a church.

Once again the language barrier prevented us from completely understanding that we were actually invited to the formal Catholic Mass Wedding................. Our "invite" was an email asking us to join the couple for champagne outside the chuch at 1:30........when we arrived we hadn't expected to walk into church to find the bride and groom already at the altar and mass just beginning. So we tiptoed in as a beautiful rendition of Ava Maria was being sung by a young soprano standing in the balcony. It was very exciting to hear mass in German, I mouthed the responses in English and amused myself with trying to understand the words being spoken by the Priest. It really was a beautiful ceremony that seemed more romantic because of the different language.

Sure enough after the ceremony everyone gathered outside the church on a gorgeous summer day and we all drank champagne, orange juice optional, and congratulated the happy couple. The bride and groom released doves into the air, very classy and chic........ Here is a picture of the brides brother Marcus and his girlfriend Daniella, who is dressed in traditional Bavarian garb.

Guests were given lace ribbons and hearts to attach to the cars anntena to identify themselves as part of the wedding gala, then everyone got in their cars and drove away to.............we aren't sure where they were going......

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

On an earlier blog you attended their Polterabend, whereby the pottery was joyously obliterated.....that was the reception. A cart before the horse thing for us, yes? A fun turn about! Its so cool that the close proximety of other countries allow for thimgs such as the Bavarian costume, so much history in that alone! Love you-ct

Daniela said...

Dear Liz,
what a nice blog! I haven't seen any photos yet, so thank you for that, too. Love from Bavaria, Daniela