Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Whirlwind

That is the best word to describe Lee and Nelly's visit......a whirlwind. Time went too quickly, seems like they just got here and it was time to say good bye. I somehow managed to unintentionally invite a few friends over, still having issues with the whole language barrier thing. Terry was working so Nelly and I scrambled a bit to stretch dinner but ended up having quite the party. I think you could have looked around the table and think of it as an opening line for a joke...............

" An American, two Bosnians, One Belgiuqe, two Dutch and a German were all sitting at a table.................."

Here you see Lee and I getting ready to take a bicycle ride up to the store, he was duly impressed with the total miles I have put on my bike, Nelly just shrugged and said "of course Leeland-it's how you get around here!"
Spoken like a true Hollander!

Terry missed out on most of the festivities , but did get home in time to witness Elmer and the flaming brandy-there is a ritual to the way the brandy is ignited, then swirled, then rolled up his arm, if done properly the concoction "gently breathes fire"........ Nelly was facinated but neglected to let the brandy cool before it hit her throat!

As I said, time went fast. the Barlow's were here then gone , it was wonderful to be able to spend time with such great friends.
love and miss you all


Unknown said...

Lee and Nelly look fantastic!!!!!
What fun your having!
lyvvm cb

Anonymous said...

One great big "DITTO" on a quick visit, but what a great time. Nelly is still spitting fire from "Elmers" hot Spanish brandy. We appreciated Lizzie,s hosptality, along with nice fellowship with Terry. Terry and Liz have a very nice, but big house for the local standards, Liz has really made a nice home, needless to say she is adapting fine to the local culture. We will never forget this visit with them in Germany.

Becca said...

Oh Liz. What can a poor left out American say about all that? Ok, I will say it... I miss being in the midst of your frolickling. What times we have had and will again. Lee and Nelly... Sounds like a "Gotta meet" situation! Roll out the barrel and we'll have a barrel of fun. I must say Miss Liz that Europe sure does look good on you!
More than frolicking w/ the Osheims!