Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mai Baum

I was thrilled to hear sounds of the band once again marching up and down the streets in our village as they made their way to the Dorffe Halle for another celebration. As they passed by, the Maibaumchef or Maypole leader invited me to join in the festivities...........

Mai Baum translated means May Tree and on May Day a celebration takes place in most villages large and small throughout the area and Brüggelchen is no exception. The earliest illustration of a maypole was done in 1590! Now the customs and traditons vary throughout the countryside. There are very specific rituals that take place preparing the tree that will eventually set high upon a pole in the town centre. I won't bore you with too many details, but one of the long standing traditions include the fact that young unmarried men and women select then prepare the tree and garlands for the transport and feast that takes place on May 1st.

All the while the maybaum is being readied, it is essential to guard it from theft. Young people from other villages would like to steal it. After such a theft, there are either negotiations for the return of/or the stolen goods become an addition to another village-a trophy so to speak.

Again, there are long standing "rules of engagement" that apply but the spirit in which the tree is adorned and accompanied thru the town is festive and light. Here you can see our village Mai-baum safe and sound erected nice and high to discourage and late night raids!

love and miss you all

1 comment:

Unknown said...

May Day will always hold a special place in my heart, remember the bunch of flowers we picked, bringing tears to our neighbor LaWanda's eyes? What a fun-and long-lasting!-tradition. Hilarious rivalry too!