Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stop by for pastries

It took a little bit of peeking out the window to figure out what was going on, but of course I had to know why this truck was stopping at Trudi and Lorenz's house next door. Basically every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday a bread truck comes thru and delivers fresh bread and patries throughout the village. The next door neighbors have it all arranged, how handy is that!

The Tuesday delivery lady doesn't speak a word of English but we manage to somehow discuss the cold or wind, a popular subject these days. Friday's delivery lady speaks good at English and she is interested in how we are getting along and always has helpful local shopping advice. On Saturday the truck is very early and the two women teach me how to say whatever I am ordering in German-they delight in my pronunciations! Sometimes they have a young man with them he is very good at English and likes to "practice" his numbers, very specific when he tells me my total and then counts back the change.

Each delivery has the basics: rolls, pies , donuts as well as a variety of breads but on Saturday there is the best selection of desserts, it looks like a window in an upscale bakery. I try and pick something special for Terry and I to split. Because we are one of the first stops the brochen is always fresh and warm. Can I just say.............delicious!

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

How handy indeed! Not only are you receiving warm, fresh, pastries-you also get lessons in the local German dialect as well as currency direction. Learning from each other, how cool is that?! The best pastries I have enjoyed are the beignets (sp) in the french quarter of New Orleans-pray tell, what are your favorites?

Becca said...

Well how yummy is that? I swear the more I hear about Germany from you, the more I feel the need to go there. Of course you have a wonderful way of looking at the world that most people tend to miss. For this I am ever thankful. As for warm buns...(do the backstroke w/ Becca, LizOd)
More than door to door service

Unknown said...

I see a business opportunity for the U.S.!!!