Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Our small village of Brüggelchen has had a bit of excitement, actually two events that would make one wonder WHAT THE...............

We could hear the bullhorn before we could see where it was coming from or what was being "announced". A small white car was slowly going up and down all the streets in our village. In the passenger seat was a man with a bullhorn repeating the same phrase over and over. The only words Terry and I could catch or understand were "Attencion.....Attencion" as the car neared our house we could see it was some kind of red cross vehicle. Of course all I could think of was the nuclear plant up the road! We did a quick check of the neighbors to make sure no one was loading up their cars and heading for the hills. We asked around at the next village connection dinner and found out it was a blood drive. Who knew!

The next incident happened in the middle of the night, I was deep in the land of dreams when I heard sirens start up. OMG, Terry and I both jumped strait out of bed, sirens wailing, no announcements, no PA system, just the loud repeating sound of the town siren. Again, the nuclear plant image flashed thru my mind. The sirens stopped by the time we fumbled around and got dressed. A quick check to see if the neighbors were packing their cars and heading for the hills.............all was quiet the streets were empty and not even a light on in any of the houses. Our inquiries the next day revealed it was a call for all of the volunteer fireman to report to the hall for some type of emergency/disaster-anything from a car accident to a fire. I gotta tell you it is a teensy bit scary not knowing what was going on....... What next?

Terry is now on a rotating shift, alternating first and second shift weekly. It has thrown our "routine" off a little off which is the reason my blog has been a bit quiet lately. One bonus though is that we are able to explore more of the surrounding area during the mornings-every other week! Here are a few pictures from our last outing. Check out the the chairs below, they have lap blankets to keep you toasty warm as you sit in the square and enjoy a meal or a beverage, now I ask you, how wonderful is that!

love and miss you all


Unknown said...

I got a Monty Python image of people roaming the streets crying, "Bring out your dead!" Great stories Liz. It's not scary!!


Unknown said...

They sure don't want you to miss out on the PSA's, makes you wonder what they would do in the event of a catastrophe! Be at the ready to get the word out in any case. The sidewalk is so clean, looks just swept. Am betting thats the norm in Germany. Village life, gotta love it!

Becca said...

Ok Missy, there is nothing like waking up in a state of panic, wondering; no knowin' WHAT THE...
Very interesting way of doin' things I am thinkin'. WAY COOL bunnies though huh!?!?! I still vote for living vicariously through you two. Life is never short of an adventure in Oshiemland. For this much we know and appreciate. Sirens in the middle of the night? Where, pray tell, are the 'Depends" when you need them. DANG!!
More than speakin' the native language!!