Monday, February 11, 2008

There I was.......

I will start out by saying that the evening started out uncomplicated enough........

Last Saturday was dinner out with the Nadeau's, Tom and Jen. It was a celebratory dinner. We wanted to treat them to a night out as a thank you for Tom putting together our new computer, and Jen for putting up with Tom putting together our computer. Dolly Dimples is an Irish pub in Sittard and we were told served great ribs, plus they have a cider called Strongbows as well as Guiness on tap! Tom and Jen drove over to our house and the four of us headed out in our truck. The restaurant was not crowded, and in true German fashion we enjoyed a lesiurely dinner. The food was okay the company was better. And if you ask Terry the beers were delicious!

We finished dinner and as we were leaving, Terry noticed a little pub area attached to the restaurant. He thought is would be grand if we went in. "It'll be fun," he said and we had the whole place to ourselves. We got house darts and after a couple of games of cricket and a few good laughs we noitced the bar was about filled to capacity. It got loud and noisy and smoky in the time it took Terry to beat first me then Tom at darts. Time for us to make our exit. Ahh, the cool night air felt ever so good as we headed towards the truck. I was the designated driver and off we went, but wait just a minute.....there at the end of the street is a barrier blocking our exit. Hmmmm Tom and Terry get out to see if the pole can be moved, NOPE. No buttons to push to make it go down-nothing to indicate how we are supposed to get out.

Back up everyone tells me, find a place to turn around. I must tell you at this point Tom, who also was a designated driver offered to drive. I think perhaps I should have listened. Especially judging by the way the pedestrians, now on the pedestrian only street, were scurrying out of the way. Finally I get backed up and turned around only to find the street at the other end closed to vehicles, but there was just enough room to just barely squeeze the truck thru.........into an area filled with the evening crowds of strollers, once again moving quickly to get out of the way of the crazy Americans.......We were quite amused. Whew, finally onto auto friendly streets and turn the GPS on to head for home. At this point the GPS was telling me to make a left and Terry insisted we go right-Jen from the backseat said I think the GPS is right and Tom once again offered to drive....I, being the good wife that I am, listened to Terry. Once again, and I must say, to Terry's amusement, I found a dead end street-this time a construction area and this time it was bunny rabbits scurrying to get out of the way!

love and miss you all


Anonymous said...

The Strongbow was well worth it, as was watching Terry get loose after many a pint of Murphy's. I still think we should have gone muddin' after we found the bunny rabbits. : )

Unknown said...

I can just picture the scene!!! I imagine streets suddenly becoming pedestrian only is another good reason to travel by bike. I would LOVE to play cricket in a German bar. Tell Terry he has a challenger when y'all come stateside. I need to pay him back for all those beatings at washers!

Unknown said...

Better you than me Liz! I had to laugh at the mental picture of those poor folks scrambling to get out of the way, perhaps with a few raised fists here & there! Keep these wonderful adventures coming, its a different life!