Tuesday, February 19, 2008

And the winner is.............

Jim Long won first prize at the Osheim hosted first quarterly couples bunco held last Saturday evening. His lovely wife, Connie took the low score prize, very appropriate. Low score won a big box of valentines chocolates. Tom was the second prize winner and I heard his winnings were earmaked for a computer part for his wife Jen. We sent invitations out to 5 fun couples, do we know any other kind? Of the 12 attendees only three had ever played before so there was a small learning curve, no problem though-easy to play if you can count and throw dice, you can play. Other winners included Cris, Leona and I believe Mike.......

We are already looking forward to the next bunco party at Jim and Connie's, they have a traditional German courtyard home that has summer BBQ written all over it! We can play outdoors and may end up playing with 16 instead of 12!

Of course we had one, maybe two slight mishaps on the evenings festivites. We had a last minute couldn't be helped cancellation, so there was a Saturday morning scramble to find another couple. Terry and I were both making phone calls, my biggest worry was that we would both find subs. Of course it all worked out Mike and Cris came thru and as Jen said they made a nice addition to our group. I am quite sure they will remember the night for a while, the mirror hanging in the entry way gave out when one too many coats were hung, spilling the contents of three oil candles all over their jackets and almost sending them up in flames........Luckily Terry was Johnny on the spot and put out the fire and just in case Connie was right behind him ready to douse the flames..........

All in all a fun time was had by all, here you see Tyson the mighty banker exhausted from trying to keep up with who had the last bunco......... Or could it be that he was so tired from all the brisket Terry fed him or the cookies Chris shared!

love and miss you all!


Unknown said...

What wonderful fellowship, good people can be found in every corner to be sure. Just look at y'all! I am so happy for your successful soiree and am grateful no coats were consumed by fire.

Unknown said...

That story reminded me of the time were at mom's old condo in North Tacoma when the candle broke the glass shelf. Good stuff as always Liz!!

Becca said...

Bunco... what can you say about Bunco...Ok, so you said it well. How much fun can folk have! I think I would have lead off with the flames on this bog... Just one more way to "burn" you and T.O. into the hearts of people all over the world. Lucky folk for sure. I would pay good money for a spot at either one of those tables!! Wow. looking forward to the blog and pics of your digs girlfriend. More pics of you and T.O. please. Miss you!!
More than a winning hand. ~B