Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday Traffic Jam

Terry and I took a 30 mile round trip bike ride thru the German/Dutch countryside. At one point along the way we encountered a traffic jam..........after a bit of hesitation, we decided it was okay to carefully tread our way thru our bovine friends. An older couple next to us opted to go around but we were following a specific trail and weren't sure what would happen if we deviated! We ended up seeing them about 1/2 mile down the road, we both laughed and waved.

We continued on towards our destination and lo and behold two traffic jams in one Sunday, who knew!

Of course as you can imagine, we had to clean our bicycle tires when we got home! All in all a wonderful day riding thru the countryside.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tuesday 21 Aug

Terry is working swings for the rest of the week. Thought I'd talk about how much fun it is to ride our bikes. The bike trail system is unbelievable. There is a trail/path system set up that allows you to follow a designated number to anywhere you wish to go. Information maps are set up at a number station. From there it tells you the next number path to follow. For instance to go to Heinsburg, we would follow 33 to 39 to 41.......the numbers are posted on signs at intersections. You go in and out of cornfields, roads that are paths only or perhaps right thru the heart of town, just follow your number. Terry figured it out on our second trip out, such a smart man, course once he showed me I GOT IT TOO!

When we drove to the Schinnen commissary a few days ago , a 35 min car ride, we counted 100 bikes on the road. Everyone it seems has a bike. Old and young alike, you see whole families out enjoying time together, it is a beautiful thing to see. We have put over 50 miles on our bikes, mostly I play ride faster to keep up with Terry. Lovin it.

Have a marvelous day

Bitburg Trip

We got up Sunday and decided a little road trip was in order. A full tank of gas a few snacks and off we went headed south about two hours for a visit to Air Force Bases . We were told that Bitburg and Spangdalam has good shopping. Bigger commissary's and a bigger BX with lots of choices...............well I could live the rest of my life without going back. The Bitburg base has the distinction of existing just to support the Spangdalam base. It has housing, movie theatre, bowling, school, daycare and a "concession mall". We walked thru all the shopping and although we did pick up an iron we decided there was nothing there that we couldn't find at GK or Schinnen the Army post that we shop at, or any German store closer to home. Really so much more adventurous to shop "on the economy" we try and get in and out of a store without alerting anyone that we are American. It can be done!

Was nice to get out and see some of the rolling countryside. We drove in and out of rainstorms and sunshine all the way home, chasing and being chased by lovely rainbows. Our next trip will be the North and miss you all

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Dinner with the Hahn's

We invited Josef and Hanni (new best friends /Landlord) over to the house for dinner . Lots of laughter they are better at English that we are at German, which isn't saying much. We all try and the results are humorous. The menu: chicken Parmesan, fettuchini Alfredo, salad and bread from the Natex FABULOUS bread. On Thursday Terry can pick up fresh olive bread, can I just say delicious! It has olives baked into it. Me, not a big fan of olives but I mean to tell you this bread is heavenly. Josef told Terry "do tell your wife the food was PERFECTO!" We got the cheese for the Alfredo from a local cheese shop Organic they say BIO. What a difference it made in the sauce. We had a bottle of white wine that J&H had given us last week. They go to this Vineyard annually and buy for friends and family......... They go and stay in the hills sample wine and ride their bikes. When I say ride, I mean RIDE 40+ km's a day. Would be too much fun, no? It just so happens that we're going on a wine tour thru in the same area about a 2 hour drive from here, we signed up to go in November with a group of no more than 14. Should be fun.

On a side note it was a celebration for our town yesterday. Everyone in town put out their flags, washed the windows, trimmed the flowers, washed the steps. Looks ever so sparkly.....the "hall" in town hosted the festivities. The locals marched all thru the town playing music and showing off their,.........not really sure what is was all about but it was fun to watch, like a township in a parade up and down all the streets (all 5) then to the town hall for I am quite sure a rip roaring time. Every town has this celebration at different times......Hanni said the queen is picked by if she is a good shot...............perhaps next year she will be crowned!

Love you all