Monday, July 12, 2010

Memories of Monschau

Before we left Germany for our new adventures.....we took an overnight trip to one of our favorite places with two of our favorite people.....

Less than an hour from "home" nestled in the hills of the Eifel Region in the North Rhine Westfilia is a charming town called Monschau. Half timbered homes wind their way thru a narrow valley virtually untouched by the Second World War. The township is first mentioned in 1198 and the ruins of a 13th century castle overlook the village today.

While driving to the area, you will see the "dragons teeth" also known as the Sigfried line...these are concrete fortifications designed to keep tanks from advancing. They stretched for hundreds of miles and are probably worthy of a blog all by themselves........I recall when LaVonne and I stopped along the road to take a picture...we slid into a rather large ditch and I remember thinking, they certainly stopped us!

Hanni, Josef, Terry and I arrived on a sunny afternoon and had booked a room at a charming inn on the river Rur we began exploring the area. Monschau hosts a beautiful Christmas Market, a must see if your anywhere near this area. Monschau is also known for its mustard, one can choose from an amazing variety as well as visit a museum dedicated to just mustard. The town is very artistic with quaint art and antique stores tucked away in corners, so much fun to prowl through.

Our get-away dinner with Hanni and Josef was spent laughing and preparing to say good-bye, at one point in the evening Josef told Terry "For one hour, no more English only German, and Terry you must order for our table and speak with the waitress"....We had so much fun, and now this is a wonderful memory of more good times spent in Germany.

love and miss you all