Monday, June 7, 2010

Venice / Venezia.....

The city of water, the city of bridges, the floating city, the city of masks, the sinking city......or better yet the city of romance....all of these describe Venice. We had a wonderful time roaming the calli or narrow alleys that make up the city passages, how Terry navigated them will remain a mystery.
We spent two days exploring, we rode the public ferry system, also known as the vaporetta, it seemed as if more people got on the ferries than got off....that being said, I prefered to wander on foot and marvel at how this city functions as pedestrian only. It was facinating to see deliveries being made from boats to porters who would shout permissio as they pulled carts stacked high with goods to be delivered all throughout the city.

Venice is a beautiful city built on 117 small islands connected by over 400 foot bridges.
Dusk was the perfect time for a romantic gondola ride.....and as we quietly glided thru canals and under bridges our gonadlier Carlos explained some of the history as we passed thru the city via the waterways. One must be born Venitian in order to operate as a gondalier, Carlos has been oaring up and down the canals for over 35 years.
Music is an important part of the history of Venice and of course Antonio Vivaldi is known as it's most famous composer. Several times we witnessed locals bursting out in song, ...Terry said it is written in their Venitian least once a day they MUST belt out a tune!
We enjoyed both our morning coffee and afternoon beer and pizza at a table on the Piazza San Marco where else can you sit and watch life go by is such an interesting place?

I could add another title to the city ..... the city of friends.....we were able to meet up with the Mills, our neighbors from Charleston SC, who rode the train down from Aviano Air Base. We spent the afternoon with them exploring the Basillica at Saint Marks, we enjoyed lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe and tipped a pint together at the Devils Forrest, a real English pub in the heart of San Marco near the Rialto bridge, what a special treat to see them!

The "Bridge of Sighs" is another famous landmark in Venice, it is named not because of lovers kissing as they pass underneath as some believe.....but is so named because the guards who led the prisoners from the Doge Palace to the prison would hear them sigh as they saw their last glimpse of Venice as they crossed over the bridge......
CIAO and miss you all.....