Friday, April 16, 2010

Lucky Lucky Lizz

Lately I feel so lucky, I'm considering changing the name of my blog from Life with Liz to Lucky Liz......
If you follow the blog you know we went to Spain...or rather I should say we vacay'd in Catalonia as our guide informed us "Spain" Jacqulene said...... is somewhere else.

The Catalan people have their own futball team, FTCB Barcelona; They have their own language~and it is not Spanish. They do not use a bull as their mascot (they think bull fighting is cruel) The Catalan people prefer their symbol to be a donkey, which represents dependabilty, hard work and perhaps a little bit of determination!
Time spent in this country was such fun and the memories will keep me smiling and feeling lucky for a very long time.

Our trip to Besalu remains my favorite day, not an easy choice considering other adventures like our journey to Montserrat where the famous Monastary of the Benedictine Monks live and still school students. We rode a funicular railway to the mountain top or "serrat" roughly translated a jagged or serrated point. I must admit I had hopes of seeing a monk, we were after all at a Monastary? Terry lit a candle and we made our pilgrimage to touch La Moreneta a statue of the Madona dating back to 70 AD, the small statue is said to have been carved by St Luke~then hidden from the Moors and unearthed in 880 AD by two shepherd boys, so the legend goes.....

Of course there is the unforgettable day spent at Tosse del Mar Kevin*Melissa*Terry*David and I, braved two bus lines and a train to reach this remote fishing village north of Santa Susanna on the Costa Brava (mellifluous wording, say it out loud!)
It was the first warm sunny day and we were thrilled to find a hide-away place to spend the afternoon. Melissa and I threw frisbee in a cobblestone breezeway and we all basked in the afternoon sun.

From the sights of Barcelona including the lizard at Gaudi Park, to the unforgettable coast, Spain or rather......Catalonia will always be special, and now my favorite Catalon word ........ADIO

Actually....before this blog is posted, I will expand a bit so that you know every story has a flip side..... how can I forget to mention the gruelling 16+ hour bus ride to AND From the OMG :30 stop in the morning where some foreign teenagers were blocking the sinks...who knew Melissa could clear a path like she did! Oh yeah and there was that minor incident mostly due to improper footware......

love and miss you all

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Springtime in Spain

Yesterday we visited Besalu, a beautiful town nestled in the volcanic hills near the Costa Brava. Our journey to this medieval village began as we crossed a dramatic stone bridge built in the 11th century. Steep narrow streets wind their way throughout and it's easy to imagine what life must have been like in times gone by.
Morning found us enjoying a cup of cafe con leche on the market square, I can't think of a better way to start the day.

We, along with our friends Kevin & Melissa Brothers, are traveling thru Spain on a guided tour that we booked last winter. There is so much to see and do.... so far the town of Besalu has been our favorite. This village is steeped in history, every stone street whispers of what once was in this village that housed a community that included Jews, Christians, and Muslims that lived peacefully together for many centuries.

All throughout Europe we have found stories and images of St. George the Dragon slayer and Besalu is no exception. Here however he is called Sant Jordi and he is a very important figure as the towns Patron Saint. Once a year and only once a year on April 23rd an herb is picked and added to a liqueur called Ratafia that is made only in this region of Catalonya, of course the town has a festival all in the honor of Sant Jordi ! Imagine.....both the Brothers and the Osheims have a bottle of Ratifia in our bag of treasures to take home.......

love and miss you all

Friday, April 2, 2010

Mom's 80!

Busy lizzy here......... and there is no indication that I am going to slow down any time soon. So sorry I haven't blogged in awhile, ......hence busy of 2 April.......95 days til we leave Germany and move to Washington State, not Japan as we were first is an interesting set of circumstances that paved the way for us to McChord Air Force Base. As a matter of fact, I was in Washington for my Mom's 80th Birthday Extravaganza, what a wonderful wonderful time , I had an amazing 30 days at "home".

And to prove it, below are pictures not in any paticular order because I am using the laptop that won't allow me to place them where I want, so what you get to see are some are random of me on the C17 where this journey began.... I took a fun filled military hop across the pond, the flight crew let me sit up front, chatted with a headset.....another is of ALL ten kids and Mom taken at her Birthday Open House picture is at Starbucks we were having a good-bye latte in Enumclaw. And guess which picture is taken as I was sitting in line to ride the ferry back from the island.....and last but not least a rooftop reminder of a fun filled St. Patricks day celebration that has turned into a Butcher/Osheim tradition.

Lots more to follow......really!

love and miss you all