Tuesday, July 14, 2009

25 Und 46

Statistically speaking, according to a class Terry took, you get "x" number of people together and at least two will share a birthday............and in having that conversation with a group of friends last year, we discovered that Terry and Julie share a July 12th birthday. Julie mentioned she would turn 24 that year......Terry said "My goodness, I am old enough to be your Father" Julie didn't miss a beat........ she looked Terry in the eye and said PAPA! And ever since that day she has called him Papa! This picture is from 12 July 2008.

When Terry came back from the NCO Academy last April, Julie surprised him at the airport in Brussels. You should have seen the looks as people read the sign, priceless!
Last year, we spent the day with Julie's family and friend and this year Terry is deployed and Julie invited me once again to her house. I just love her family and friends, there is always plenty of laughter and stories, very time I am there, I feel so welcome. Of course there was delish cakes.....four different kinds, one from Belgium, one from Holland, one baked by Catherine, her Scottish friend and I didn't catch where the custard cake topped with toasted hazelnuts came from...........after dessert....came dinner......wonderful spaghetti and after stuffing ourselves, we enjoyed coffee and a game or two of washers. Her are a few pictures from the grand day and one from Julie's fun day in Aachen.............

Julie not only had a gift for the missing birthday boy......... she had a present for me too! Like last year, I received congratulations for Terry's birthday. This year I got to add a charm to my bracelet..........a VW Beetle! The only thing missing was Terry.

love and miss you all