Friday, May 15, 2009

YOU do the Math!

201BCE - 1974 - 2009

Dates from 210 BCE, discovered by local farmers in 1974, viewed by yours truly (Liz), Terry, LaVonne, John and Sean in Belgium, January 2009.

We journeyed a short distance to the Museum of Maaseik, to view these very impressive statues of Chinese warriors. This remarkable funerary cult is from the Quin Dynasty and are made up of up of foot soldiers, cavalrymen with horses, archers and charioteers who guarded the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuangdi. Fourteen warriors were on display as well as many other artifacts from the Chinese Ruling Class. We were impressed with the incredible detail on each unique statue-from the hairstyles and facial features to the posture and positon given to the lifesized warriors. Also included were animals of every kind, horses, cows, pigs, you name it there was a terracotta statue depicting an image from this period, it was truly a unique exhibition well worth viewing.

Here is a photo of Terry shaking the hand of a warrior in the gift shop, Sean and Terry both went home with their very own small replica of a their favorite warrior.

3.2 Million Years Ago - 1974 - March 2009

3.2 Million years ago, discovered in Ethiopa in 1974, viewed by Kerry and your truly (Liz) Seattle in March or was it April of 2009? (Perhaps Kerry or my Mom will let us know!)

While I was on vacation in Washington, my friend Kerry and I took the short drive up to Seattle to view the remains of "Lucy", the 3.2 million year old female ancestor of modern humans. I have to be honest here, I only went because I knew how much it would mean to Terry. He is facinated with anthroplogy and has followed the story of Lucy's legacy since she was unearthed in 1974. Kerry and I both were very impressed with Pacific Science Center's presentation of "The Hidden Treasures of Ethiopia", a walk back through evolution. We finished the tour then wandered around the Science Center through the wonderful display of live butterflies in an atrium-a wonderful day spent tripping through time with Kerry Jo.

+/-1341BC - 1922 - May 2009

+/-1341BC, discovered in 1922, viewed by Terry, his Mom (Nana) and your truly (Liz) in Atlanta, May 2009.

I just so happened to be in Atlanta and by coincidence so did the Exhibition called "Tutankhamun The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs "..........I had flown to the states to attend Terry's graduation from the Senior NCO Academy in Montgomery Alabama, via Atlanta. We planned my return flight home with an early arrive time in Atlanta to view this much anticipated exhibit. The exhibition features 50 objects from the tomb of Tutankhamun including the gold sandals that adorned the mummies feet and a beautifully adorned canopic jar that mummified his internal organs. Those two items were the highlight......there were other artifacts from rulers of Egypt.......but we were very disappointed not to see the golden funerary mask, we just assumed it would be part of the display.....they did however do an excellent job with the objects on hand, the end of the tour was an interesting video showing the cat scan on his mummified remains, which only deepens the mysteries surrounding his life.

love and miss you all