Saturday, April 18, 2009

Blue Light Special

No sooner did Connie say: "you don't suppose we're on the flight line do you, Liz?", when we saw flashing blue lights fast approaching! We were not actually ON the flight line, but we had certainly ventured into a restricted area.... Perhaps I should start this tale at the begining.

Once upon a time, in the land of Spangdahlem , two friends went shopping at the Eifel Spring Bazaar. This bazaar was filled with many international vendors who travel far and wide for this three day event. A wonderful opportunity to purchase a variety of items from many countries, including wines from France, Italy and Germany; chocolates from Belgium; Rugs from Turkey; pottery from Poland; linens from Ireland...etc, etc. The vendors set up in two hangers such fun it is to browse the many items for sale.

The two friends were ever so thankful to reach their desitation, having traveled two hours through the pouring rain to get to the bazaar. They shopped and laughed and visited with many people, they especially liked the cheese vendor, the samples were plentiful and they each bought a block to take home. After more shopping and a quick lunch, they were ready to begin the journey home. For some reason, it was not clear which was the correct direction to turn when exiting the parking lot. Where was that nice person who directed them in? The driver, Connie asks the friend Liz, which way? And then, because neither friend is good with directions, they flipped a mental coin and took the road to the right, past the Military Police sitting in the parking lot .........and out on to a very nice and wide road. Connie was following the directional arrows painted in the road, ever so careful to obey all traffic laws.... then about a 1/2 a mile later, blue lights flashing could be seen in the rear view mirror!

When the stern Police Officer, in his best southern drawl asked Connie if she was lost, she gave him the wide blue eyed look and asked him......."surely I am not on the flight line?" "You have entered a restricted area, M'am," he uttered as he studyed her identification and took down her information. She tried to explain there were no signs indicating the error and she wondered if there would be a ticket involved. Just in case "THEY" want to know, could he please have her husbands duty phone, which he wrote in a tattered notebook. He then spoke into a radio and said she should follow his car and another car would be behind and together they would provide an escort........."To the front gate" Connie asked? "Because we really wanted to go to Starbucks" said Liz, perhaps we could bring you a cup?......The escort would take them to the main road, and no ticket and no thank you M'am with a twinkle in his eye, he did not want a coffee.

.........And so the moral of this story........... life is always an adventure.

The end

love and miss you all